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@Mr_Mister I realize this. When I say "repeat the lesson," some people are doomed to repeat it over and over without ever learning.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey looked for the 2 pit bulls breaking into the house post, and I found it. Thankfully, all the comments were telling the woman she was stupid and wrong.

So reddit is not always retarded. Though on a separate topic, a lot of reddit nonsense is a result of admin censorship of wrongthink and sock puppet accounts propping up "the correct opinions."

Boy I sure do love Minnesota and its totally sane governance of the past decade.
>Change zoning ordnances to allow low rent apartments right in the middle of single home suburbs
>Fail to prosecute rioters
>Allow no go zones
>Allow police precincts to be burnt to the ground
>Defund law enforcement
>Hire private security for politicians
>Strip away the right of citizens to defend themselves
>Tell people insurance will fix riot damage, it doesn't
>Tell people business will recover, it doesn't
>Create such weak laws that major corporations completely leave the twin cities due to crime
>Escalating rates of murder, assault, theft, and car jackings

Really knocking it out of the park. Punish the law abiding and spare the criminals. What could go wrong.

@RealRaul You are not going to undo years and years of anti-white male propaganda with a few commercials. Anyone with a brain will know that they will revert back to anti-white idealogy the moment they think it is no longer necessary.

If you find someone who merely complains about the effects of the trajectory of the policies they supported and they are unwilling to undo previous phases or put any mental energy in understanding things beyond the first order consequences, you are not dealing with someone who is willing or able to see reason. They need to either repeat the lessons in learning the hard way or they need to show some repentence for their poor choices in policies they supported.

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This is not just a TERF/feminism thing, but something that can apply to any leftist policy that blows up in the face of leftists who did not realize they would eventually not be able to stop the crazy train at their preferred stop.

"We cannot take all these migrants in NYC!" Okay, are you willing to crack down harder on illegal immigration, mass deport, and restrict access? No? Then why should we help you with the mess you voted for?

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This is the perfect time to ask the question to any TERFS: what are you willing to give up in exchange for preventing biological males in female sports?

The answer can't be nothing. You have to give up something, such as the things in Title 9 that cause men to lose their sports opportunities. Even better, we get rid of Title 9 entirely.

We should not answer cries for help if they are not willing to take back the very things that caused the problems they complain about.

@Ash_Kvetchum "The Pokgoyim know! Shut it down!"

Sounded better in my head than spelled out, but it's what I've got.

@Tfmonkey I have said before on other posts that I would not be shocked to the core if we did indeed have the moon landing faked. I was already open to that possibility. You bringing it up on your shows just made me think how the deboonkers often rely on a number of poorly constructed arguments. And in this case, they are expecting most of the audience not to question the flimsy premises.

"I saw it on a Youtube video" is the modern version of "the TV said" in this case.

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@Tfmonkey "400,000 NASA employees would have had to been in on it."

I am not an expert on government secret keeping, but I would assume that they would not tell all of the employees that they were faking things. That would be kept to a very small circle.

Hell, this is not even a political hack job like a lot of other videos, but I am seeing a whole lot of disingenuous and retard arguments now that I am watching this video again.

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@Tfmonkey "They did not have the computer graphics to fake the pictures! The shadows are parallel, only able to be done by the sun itself!"

I would also guess that it would not be a stretch to also find ways to fake photographs without computers at the time, and there are ways to create forced perspectives as well (Lord of the Rings did this many times during the films). The video of "the moon landing" was not of this quality, but grainy footage.

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@Tfmonkey Oh so now you think the moon landing was faked? Well guess what? Adam Ruin Everything totally deboonked that conspiracy theory! See for yourself!

Don't feel obligated to watch the video, but looking back at the claim "we just did not have the film making and lighting technology at the time to fake it" is silly. We were apparently making great leaps in space travel technology, but advancing lighting and filming techniques? That's just hard to believe, isn't it?

Lunch w/ boomer "conservative" (his words not mine) is real fun, I got to hear gems like

"y'know, our side cares more about black lives than they do! And then they got real angry because we have the balls to say ALL lives matter!!!"

"yeah I'm just a little disappointed we don't have any ladies of our own in the running, the other side gets to say they have the first woman president"

"I don't know about that chevron thing, it's pretty dangerous just getting rid of laws left and right willy nilly"

The "JD Vance is weird" is cringe and obviously disingenuous. The lefties pushing that meme don't care if someone is weird, as they are full of freaks. They are hoping that those on the right do care though.

After people already voted for Trump in spite of all the factors with him, I doubt this will make a difference with Vance. I consider Vance a non-factor in the overall election anyways, like many vice-presidents.

I think.. this election season has a very high chance of not only absolutely annihilating "girlboss" but liberal feminism in general, though mass psychosis.

@WhitestTemplar @TheMadPirate @Ghislaine Yes. Pics related, as memes in their essence are about conveying ideas without additional explanation.

I don't think the left is incapable of understanding or using sarcasm, but that they are not able to allow themselves to fully use it without first worrying about having the "correct" opinions, as their ideas are all formed through consensus rather than independently. Which is why they rely so much on "authoritative" sources for their ideas.

@PNS "People make more money by going to college."

When you aggregate stats from decades in the past and combine that data with current trends, that is technically true. But going to college no longer guarantees a high paying job. And with colleges having more watered down standards while costing more, often college is not a good idea and you demonstrate less intelligence by thinking that it is automatically a positive.

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