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Doing recon of the leftist faggot propaganda on NPR today, and they were talking about how Maduro is an authoritarian and there are major accusations of fraud in the election. It got me thinking, why are they going hard on him? Certainly not because they actually oppose his political ideaology.

Then I recalled (and confirmed) that Venezuala wants to join BRICS. That would explain why our state propaganda would be saying what they said.

@Justicar "He's taking his own conclusions about a small group of men and then universally applying it to all young single men." And he then states that the guy in the opening part is not offering any solutions and only shaming and blaming.

And he also states how many men in the church are unable to find women who are actually marriageable and says that men should not be taking sole blame when women are the other half of the equation.

It is far better than what we see normally in churches.

I am glad to see videos like this, as it shows that there is pushback against the tonedeaf "man up" message that many young men get from churches and pastors who do not understand how the conditions are no longer the same and that blaming young men for not being married is ridiculous when women have inflated standards and the marriage contract is as ironclad as toiletpaper.

@PapaPole On her death bed, she will look around at all her loved ones, but realize she has none of them. She will be close to tears, but then a smile will light up her face. Because she will remember all the great times she had flying on the airplane in the slightly larger seats and priority boarding.

"Yes," she says. "That was what was truly important. The flying experience was far superior in first class."

Just moments later, her eyes close for the last time.

@YoMomz @sardonicsmile if the guys on the right are doing everything described, then they will stop being aesthetic when they reach their mid 20s. It is super easy to rely on "genetics" when you have teenage metabolism and do sports year round. The real test is when you have to go out of your way to make time to be healthy and fit.

@synapsid They have tunnel vision on how things used to be for them and do not take into account the changing conditions that make marriage an ever worsening deal for men in younger generations. They just assume men are ducking out because of selfishness because they cannot see how women have become worse and how the laws have become worse for men. They just assume that women are innocent flowers incapable of wrongdoing.

Give me a church that'll criticize female behavior a fraction of what they do for men.
As I drove home this morning I caught a random AM broadcast of some church service. The priest gave his sermon, talking about generosity and how those unnamed and forgotten often have the most vital roles in historical events, and not to lament this because God knows all your works, good and bad.

Then in the middle of this sermon, not missing a single beat, he goes on a tangent about how men are "failing to follow their duties", not starting families, remaining "forever bachelors", "shirking all responsibilities" and so forth. At the end of this scolding he then lamented the fact that there were fewer men in the Church today than 50, 80 years ago and ended his sermon.

Utterly bizzare that the church as an institution can't put 2+2 together and figure out the reason behind the decline in male attendance. Are they all idiots?

@PalePimp @BobsonDugnuttHB Agreed. I am not going to deny that American food has problems when it comes to all the added crap we have in it (sugars, preservatives), but all the issues he brings up about it being processed and full of sugar applies very much to McDonalds. It is not hard to find a place to eat that is better than McDonalds, as you will basically find that by going anywhere else to eat.

The great thing about not being a sports fan is that when a big event happens, you can ignore all the hype. Same thing goes for the Olympics.

I am sure many people competing are happy to do so. But I have no connection to these people and have no collective sense of pride for "our country's athletes" when it comes to this event or any other event.

@Groomschild @BronzeAgeHogCranker No, I am real. I just bookmarked a comment so I could come back to it later.

@BronzeAgeHogCranker @Groomschild This is why comparing American politics to other countries often fails when only looking at a right vs left paradigm. In this way America is more left than other countries since they are keeping smart kids down under the premise of equality.

So whenever someone says "the US should be more like Europe," they are often not accounting for the ways many European countries are more right in some issue than the US.

@Humpleupagus I am not sure if Vance is that great of a choice, but I know Haley is NOT a good choice for VP.

@burner Please tell me this was a deliberate shitpost somewhere that everyone would obviously realize that this is not an authentic and heterosexual story. Because there is no way that someone who is a store owner would not be a firsthand witness to rising prices and think "The economy is great!"

Also, only shitlibs would use the term "the world stage" as if "the rest of the world" is just western Europe.

@PraxisOfEvil Good point. Though I don't have confidence in someone being a truly creative mind if they can only destroy what others like rather than make something of their own. I suspect the spite is driven by a lack of capability to accomplish what others have done.

Halo show got cancelled, producers admit they didn't play the games, Paramount takes big losses, all because they're scared to actually listen to White male gamers

"Boo hoo White men called me a bitch in multiplayer lobbies!"

Grow up

@PraxisOfEvil if you are going to take a game that has name recognition and use said recognition to create a show, why discard all aspects of the source material in favor of some mythical "broader audience" who probably does not care about Halo?

Yes I know they are leftist faggots, but politics aside you should not select a niche source material if you are not going to be faithful to the established canon. You should instead make something original.

Oh wait, they are uncreative hacks.

@mute_city @shortstories it was not for any job, I just wanted to get the shirt ironed. The point of the story was about problem solving, not a tale of "the man" oppressing me with a dress code. This shirt was not for work.

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