@Furgar >Jesus would approve of gay marriage
Matthew 19:4-6: He deines marriage between a man and a woman.
>Jesus would encourage any love affair if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else.
Matthew 5:27-28: He invokes adultery as a clear sin, and since he stated that looking lustfully could be considered adultery, I doubt he is going to be more lax on it because "as long as it is not hurting anyone.
Saw this on some leftist's account on the Federated timeline, but since I do not feel like arguing with a lefty at this time, I will not include the account info.
What I will say is that the only case that steady profit is considered a "failure" is by dipshits in the stock market that are pushing for endless growth. Most people would be happy running a business with a steady profit, and they would not be considered a failure by anyone other than the dipshit stock marketer types.
@37712 this is a tier list I made. With the best on top and progressively worse tiers below them.
@PhilosopherRex It gets worse. That bell curve is ONLY for children between 11 and 13 wherein girls start puberty before boys, and have a once-in-a-lifetime developmental advantage, and they can only break-even. By 17 boys are smarter than girls once puberty kicks in.
See Richard Lynn's studies. The reason you only see the 11-13 graph is because it promotes "equality"
I have noticed in a recent propaganda push about vaccines. Not Covid specific, but just vaccines in general.
I see this as a sign that powers that be are doing a poor attempt at damage control. There has never been more doubt in "vaccines" than ever before, and ever since the rollout of the mRNA clots shots, people are asking questions about the other vaccines. Since we know they were full of shit with the Covid ones, is it so wild to think they might be lying about others too?
@BowsacNoodle His math appears to be assuming each individual that celebrates Christmas lives in a separate home each, which is nonsense because that would mean all adults and children are all living in separate homes from the rest of
25,000×24×60×60 = 2.16 billion (roughly the number of Christians worldwide).
I know it is a meme for him to do this kind of thing, but he could at least apply some critical thinking with his Oh So Clever posts.
@sardonicsmile I never thought about joining the military because when I was younger, I just thought "it's not for me." But now I am glad that I never had interest, because if I was someone who was looking to do his 20 years and was facing vaxx mandates and other nonsense I might be in a whole different situation than I am right now.
Not sure what the cutoff would be if our government is stupid enough to draft young men, but I might have some thinking to do if that day ever comes.
@37712 @VeganMGTOW @Stahesh maybe it is fake, but even if it is, it is still accurate and hilarious.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.