@Hoss My recollection of events goes as this:
>faggots throws a fit over Chick-fil-A
>Chick-fil-A does not yield
>Chick-fil-A wins as people like their food
>fast forward years later Chick-fil-A bends the knee to LGBT for no reason (probably some activist investors with a hair up their ass)
>fast forward years later everyone forgot about either point of time and just eats Chick-fil-A if they like it.
If I got something wrong, feel free to let me know.
@MeanwhileInOhio @PraxisOfEvil Yes. This is true with many layoffs. Those who are not worth as much to keep around always are the first to get cut (assuming the employer is not retarded and firing the wrong people), and you're definitely getting cut if you are not only not useful but a drain on resources.
@ButtWorldsMan Would most martial artists have more skills than a gorilla? Certainly. But there is no amount of skill that can overcome someone who outright overpowers you.
Pic very much related.
@DW2 >This type of behavior only still seems to work in Europe
It turns out that "the rest of the world" is more than just the western European countries or on par with the faggotry of western European countries.
I know you do not care that anyone steals your ideas, @Tfmonkey, though I am not sure if this is something anyone else copied your homework on this topic (lack of police reports filed by women who claimed to be raped).
I will give Pearl or her handlers some credit of being better at stealing ideas than Andrew Tate, who does not seem to know what ideas are worth stealing (e.g. would you rather have sex with Megan Fox with a dick or Hulk Hogan with a vagina).
@deprecated_ii I am wondering if this is a case of a brilliant subversive shitpost where the poster is secretly based and just posting "bad" right wing memes while forcing leftists to see things unfiltered. Because the title does nothing to actually counter the meme itself, it is just a "I can't even" title.
The most effective memes are those that quickly convey information without extra layers of interpretation required. Which is why it is the left that cannot meme, too much "context" needed.
We see far too much tone policing and worrying about feelings rather than being able to talk about objective and practical solutions. This would not be necessary in the first place if a sizeable chunck of our voters were not overly emotional l, low information voters. This is mostly applicable to women, but there are men like this too.
And we see the results of caring about tone and feelings. Things are going down the drain.
Do you really have someone "on your side" if the support you have is fragile at best and full of way too many caveats that are nearly impossible to keep and are often counterproductive to your long term goals and principles?
When you are bending over backwards to win over people who may not even be convinced to support your goals, that is a waste of time, money, and resources that frankly should not be necessary in the first place. But our "sacred democracy" forces this to happen.
The whole effort of trying to win the votes of women just exposes a major problem with democracy in general. Too many women fall into the category of overly emotional and low information voters, and the attempt to appeal and sway their opinions is just a counterproductive effort since even when you manage to succeed, you usually have compromised way too much of any principles you might have had for a group that will just vote the other way the moment they get the slightest emotional reaction.
@deprecated_ii "That couldn't have happened. All the news outlets would have told us if there was anything that outrageous happening! No journalist would pass up such a story!"
That's the rational of every normie who follows the mainstream outlets uncritically and thinks that we can only get the confirmed truth when the legacy media says that it happened. Never in their wildest dreams do they consider that they are being lied to.
@sickburnbro The boomers keep bringing up tiktok thinking they preempt an eye roll saying "but muh american spyware too!!!" while overheating about how it's such a dire, horrible sin to allow "chinese intelligence operations free reign to spy on american citizens!!!!"
I get it now: **Boomers don't see the government of the USA as their greatest threat, they do not realize it has far more animus to wield against them than any other government on earth.
Kids now don't care about chinese spy balloons and karaoke apps spying on them, because the chinks have little mechanism to leverage against them. Meanwhile, the american glownigger industry will happily listen in on every conversation and let LLMs comb it for 'hate speech', just so they can pump up arrest numbers and ruin your life with a no-knock raid
Very irritating because it keeps coming up lately. Consolation: Most kids know it's because of greenblatt and friends
@FinalDresdonation My dad is on the edge of the generations, so in some ways he is more of a Gen X type, as he recognizes that Social Security is a doomed system that is unfair to younger generations. Though I do recall him saying unironically that Israel is our greatest ally, so that is prime boomer generation.
My boomer dad serves as a good measuring stick for what the conservatives of his generation have for a worldview. And for the most part, it is frustrating to get him to see things from a perspective that is not the controlled opposition "right wing" sources of news he gets.
But it made me realize that things can get better when the older generations are no longer in charge (mainly due to them finally dying). Can, but not guaranteed, as we still have to get through the hard times that are coming
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.