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@WashedOutGundamPilot While that may be true, I would not doubt that there is some agenda pushing going on too. Just as you have said about trying to socially manipulate men with a false concensus ("the majority are willing to try it").

Good thing I don't care whether or not the majority actually want to do it. Nor should male who wants to call himself a man.

@WashedOutGundamPilot >There is this idea that even if it is a woman doing the penetrating, it makes them gay.

It makes you gay-adjacent at the very least, and the idea of that is the exact opposite of masculinity.

There are some things in life I do not need to try to know I don't want it. This is most certainly one of them.

@deprecated_ii I don't care how public your name is. Any words you say or write should be able to stand on their own. Only appeal-to-authority faggots care about "who said it" rather than evaluate what is being said. If you are incapable of evaluating words from someone else without knowing if they are an "expert" or not, you are admitting that you are stupid.

These are the same type of people who think having an "advanced degree" is the same thing as intelligence.

@BowsacNoodle @Marakus @Rhodesian_YuKari @Shadowman311 When I used to be on Reddit, I got quite a bit of ire when I stated that the idea of a "deaf culture" was absurd when the topic of their "culture" came up.

I know I should not be surprised, but I was not on an overtly lefty part of Reddit with that thread.

@DoubleD not a problem at all if there is nothing to add. Sometimes I see other people's posts and have nothing to add either.

I do not think it is predistined for any group to be in the "trash category." But the same people who use the perjorative "white trash" accept the same behaviors from other racial groups. White people who are in the lower class give them a punching bag that is politically correct, thanks to anti-white political attitudes.

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The truth they do not want to acknowledge as that whites are the only ones given the added label of "trash" is because it is considered atypical for whites to be in this category. But to say this for any other race would be "hurtful" because deep down they know it is true that other races have "trashy" behavior as something that is quite common with them, but they do not want to admit it.

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Thinking back on that song that has the lyrics "No Russian ever called me white trash," it makes me ponder. Why is the label of "trash" only associated with whites? Yes, the anti-white attitudes are obvious, but there is another thing at play. Those very same anti-whites would have great anger at the term "black trash" or any other label, even if they were to act in a matter equivalent or worse than "white trash."

It looks like I am above the cutoff age for a potential draft. Though I suppose that is not a sure bet in a full blown war where they want as many men as possible.

Even if a draft were to go through and every man complies without resistance, it still would not yield good results, as a demoralized population does not make for a great fighting force. Forcing all young men to serve will do little good when the motivation to fight is severely lacking.

Shitlibs are all about credentialism until someone with credentials (in this case a Japanese historian) goes against their latest propaganda effort.

How many news stories are out there about how "we need to send more money to Ukraine?" I cannot honestly say how often this has happened or how many aid packages have gone through because it seems like an endless cycle.

Perhaps I have one thing to look forward to when Russia finishes things off once and for all. One way or another.

@Aether Why would you as a man be the one to plead for an open relationship? Unless you are some sort of Giga Chad and have women falling into your lap, you are going to be hard pressed to find nearly the same success as the average woman finding easy sex.

Usually it is the woman that suggests the "open relationship" because she just wants to have sex with other men without technically cheating, so this is quite the odd case. He is clearly clueless.

@PraxisOfEvil @berkberkman @caekislove @chainsaw_appreciator @D-Droid @MechaSilvio and that said Nazi woman being played by an obviously Jewish actress was something else too.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @NeoDelorean This is the type of girl that says "I go to the gym all the time" and uses the elliptical for 20 minutes thinking that accomplishes anything.

I have said this before, so sue me for being a broken record. I just cannot relate to someone who would go to the gym only to accomplish nothing. And I am never impressed by someone saying they do something when they have nothing to show for it.

@Zeb @PapaPole I am not entirely sure that his telegraphed position is his actual position. That is, he may just be chosing his words carefully in an attempt to stay in the good graces of Youtube since he has quite a large number of views on his videos. I could be wrong though.

4 years ago, I recall bring in a very distraught state of mind with the election being so blatantly stolen. Not because elections were ever untampered with or honest (e.g. Al Franken "winning" a Senate seat in 2008), but that it was so blatant and overt.

But now, I am no longer having those feelings, as I have come to understand the system for what it is. And now I care little what actually happens, so long as I can make it through any upcoming events alive.

@PapaPole it is not a shock that most societies placed restrictions on sex, especially for women. While hoe_math considers many patriarchal cultures as being "overcorrections," at least that "extreme" part of the spectrum has (well) above replacement birth rates. So extreme feminism and extreme patriarchy are not equivalents, because the society that can actually maintain its numbers is always the better option.

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