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I love this cope thing I hear all the time:

“you don’t GET all her references! You guys are from different generations! You just don’t have anything in common!!!”

Yeah…..that’s no different from a girl my own age. It’s mostly true for the guys, too. Everyone’s got super niche hobbies taking up their free time, only those that share them really share a common pop culture reference base.

Also not the good work in clickbait here. These articles have seen how many times a surge of traffic comes from the ‘mens rights’ subreddits, for sure

@PapaPole @redmaple Found something through the /pol/ rabbit hole.

I do not want to jump to too many conclusions, but this does signal that the marriage had some issues and that they were not on stable ground as a married couple. I don't think it puts Steven in a good light.

And if it was not about the children, I would think she would have pulled the pin before they had children, because it is a really, really bad idea to have a divorce when you have the kids so young. Not unless there are extreme circumstances.

Though that would be assuming she thought things through. And often, women do not.

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Not saying there is anything more to the story, but their kids were hardly that old when the divorce started. Statistically, I have seen that it takes 4 years after the youngest kid is born before this sort of thing happens. Thus I have suspiciouns.

I have to wonder if Hilary thought poorly of Steven as a father. Though that is also the sort of thing you should know after being married for years and all.

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Having a bit of a think here with the whole Steven Crowder getting divorced. He and his wife were married for a number of years, and the moment they have kids, she divorces him.

One theory is that having children revealed cracks that already existed in the marriage, as having children makes everything more difficult. But it still seems strange that she would not have divorced him sooner.

Side note, having children involved makes divorce far, far worse.

Dear libshits of all varieties:

When Tucker Carlson referred to January 6th as "mostly peaceful chaos," this was a deliberate using the same phrasing that was used to describe the burning and looting of cities that you championed as "mostly peaceful." And January is still overblown, and I don't need to hear your bitching when you had no problem with the violence against innocents done in the name of BLM.

Go fuck yourselves. K.

See, one reason why SacredDemocracy Land is so great is because of our free and fair press, which is completely free from state manipulation and influence, unlike those mean ol Ruskies/Chinese/Iranians

An esoteric scholar came to the Master with his theories on the Dao (道) and the Taiji (太极), saying “Just as a man is the source and perceiver of knowledge, woman is the source and perceiver of emotion.” The Master replied: “Is the pot a great gourmand or cook because it is full of soup? Is a book a great scholar because it is full of knowledge? Woman is full of emotion, but that is not enough to prove that they have mastered empathy (共情).”

@deprecated_ii They tell us this all the time, it’s complete bunk. Same with the whole “women make good pilots because their organs are better suited to withstanding G-forces.

They love touting those “positives”, but never compare the hand/eye coordination or spacial interpretations men do naturally. Or the stress response under pressure. Women have about 1.5 minutes of positive adrenaline response, then they overdose and fall apart

How shocking! JustPearlyThings is full of shit and does not practice what she preaches. And it should not be shocking that she is only in it for the money, given that she is just repackaging talking points that other men in the Manosphere already have said.

Also, we should call her JustParrotingThings.

I would prefer we not go to war with China. I am not feeling all that much patriotic fervor when our government hates me for being a straight white male. Along with all the other gay and retarded policies that our government currently forces upon us.

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"Likewise, for every consequence the United States was willing to impose on China in the game, the CCP regime had its own response prepared.

In response to being booted from the SWIFT international banking system, for example, the Chinese side cut the United States off from all Chinese battery technology, used in everything from iPhones to electric vehicles."

So war with China would necessarily mean that the environmentalist retards would be told to shut up so we can mine. If we have any sense

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"The game was ultimately cut short because of time constraints, but its conclusions nevertheless presented the Select Committee with a sobering reality: Resupplying Taiwan with arms and other critical supplies after a CCP blockade had been imposed was not possible.

Likewise, without additional basing options with regional allies, the U.S. side risked immense casualties and its stockpiles of long-range missiles being depleted in short order."

Yep, we would not be not fighting goat herders here.

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Not exactly sure how accurate and realistic these war game exercises are, but perhaps they might serve a purpose when they tell us the US will not just outright win. That is, assuming our politicians are not retarded enough to go through a full scale war with China.

something that the public big brains keep repeating is "we don't even know how [the AI] works"

where exactly is the mystery supposed to lie? machine learning is conceptually simple, it just leads to weird places sometimes

my interpretation is they're acting like it's some unknown magical thing because that sells a lot better than the truth. but a lot of public big brains are also just not very smart or knowledgeable

I have often wondered how a lot of various tech startups are able to make money. Often, it turns out that they don't.

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