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@Tfmonkey I have a theory about the "losing blood/iron and higher T levels." My thought is that the drop in iron levels triggers a response to the body to produce testosterone as a survival reflex. As in "Oh shit, this could mean death! Get those T levels pumping so that we can make it through this."

If my theory is correct, this is not a great idea to raise your T levels.

So I am not going to fret over "AUTOCRACY BAD" when having a democratic system (fake or real) is not making for a free system either. Having many different slave drivers that you "vote" on does not make the slavery any better than having it under one slave driver.

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Having a singular ruler with all the power means that there is a single point of failure. His rule will either be great or terrible based on his actions alone.

But what can be done when the problem is entrenched among many different groups and individuals? You are dealing with many heads of the hydra, unable to solve anything politically with the vote (which can and has often been stolen).

And to make matters worse, many in power are unelected and not even check by the fake voting anyways.

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Just because you can "vote" for candidates that make rules on your behalf does not magically make the tyranny non-existent. It just makes it more difficult to dispose of the tyrannical system because it does not simply come down to taking down a single ruler.

In the US, even if Joe Biden were to croak tomorrow, it would not change one thing. That is because he is not the problem, the whole government infrastructure is, as those who are pulling the strings can hide quite easily in the shadows.

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Something just occurred to me when doing my daily reconnaissance listening to the daily libshit "news" from NPR. They had a segment on the election in Turkey, being all melodramatic about "autocracy" if Erdogan wins. Then it hit me, their stoking fears about "autocracy" and all that is just a smokescreen to cover for the current globohomo tyranny that is taking place in countries like America.

So long as we have "muh democracy," it apparently makes government tyranny fine.

Expect to see more of this in the future, as Zog media organs attempt to cater to aging barren millennial thots and convince them they’re still desirable
@sjw im willing to bet modern day therapy is pretty shitty for the therapists. i know lots of progressive women who think therapy is something that everyone should be doing no matter what. its like the feminist atheist version of church. they probably spend hours talking about the most banal problems imaginable and dont have any real issues they need to get over.

This is your reward for dating a single mother. Let’s have a toast to our wonderful cucks.

Elon Musk is a great example of why you should not place too much hope into one man being the hero to save the day. It seems like there is always some sort of backtracking, setback, or rug pull when it comes to his ownership of Twitter. Whether or not anything gets as bad as many people think, if you do not place much emotional investment in "based Elon Musk saving the day," you will not be disappointed.

It is best not to uphold anyone too much as a hero anyways. Too many eggs in one basket.

It’s like team sports for the redditor types. Ukraine gives them the same thrill they’ve always thought they were too good for, cheering for an underdog team in the superbowl. It just has this faux veneer of respectibility because it’s REAL and SAVING DEMOCRACY

The conservative end has their cold war chest thumping for the boomers, they grew up in the shadow of “someday you’re gonna fight the commies, kid, hope you can handle it. Yer old man kicked nazi ass, we left the russkies for you, sonny”.

On both sides people just aren’t all that attached to life, they really just need some kind of faith in their life. Some feeling of purpose. That’s why they latch on to covid, ukraine, biden as these overarching narratives that give their ratlike, pleasure-seeking existences some veneer of purpose.


@Tfmonkey I am reminded of this image when you were talking about eating Italian pizza in Italy.

I am sure that the dozens of fans will be disappointed.

Tell you what ladies, demand that Title IX be revoked and maybe I will care about your plight. That will be a start. We can talk further on things like the 19th amendment soon after.

Perhaps I shouldn't, but I get tempted to watch the whatever podcast/clips. My morbid curiosity got the better of me when I saw this.

Sure, I am not the first to share this image. But there is something I found out listening to the episode. The one known as "al.weeezy" is troon. But everyone was saying "wow I did not see that, you totally pass!"

Well, when you have so many layers of fat that you no longer look human, does it really matter if you "pass?"

I forgot to mention crime, which no shock, these people also want to be soft on crime. No, your city planning policies will not fix crime (despite their claims) if you are not going to make sure to harshly punish these crimes.

Hey, maybe people do not want to worry that they are going to be beaten and/or mugged on public transit, so they would prefer to be safe in their own cars instead. Is that possible? Oh, you want to blame the symptoms for the problem rather than being soft on crime policy.

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Not just idealism at work, but also the additional laws and policies they advocate and vote for.

High taxes? Check.
Expansive welfare state? Check.
Gun control? Check.
LGBTABCDEFG crap? Check.
Other nanny state policies? Check.

Oh look, all shit I hate that you also want to have implemented. So when you make me choose between car dependent cities and walkable cities with a whole lot of other policies I hate, I will go with the former.

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I do not want to be against having less car dependency and more walkable cities. The problem is that most of the advocates for these policies have a package deal of other politics that are naive leftist crap.

"[Mostly homogenous and high country] has better city design than in the US! We should be more like them." Which ignores that we have a diverse (and therefore low trust) society in the US. We cannot pretend that city planning will solve problems that come with diversity.

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