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It also may be true that some of his advice does not really work well with the high inflation and overall bad economic conditions. That does not mean you should just disregard all financial planning principles. But rather understand that you should not blindly follow every principle to the letter if it does not make sense to do so.

And as for things outside of finances, Dave Ramsey most certainly falls in the TradCon category. So taking his advise on marriage would be foolish.

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For those of you familiar with Dave Ramsey, I will say this: most likely, you are not smarter than Dave Ramsey.

However, it is likely you are smarter than his core audience. So if you are able to find ways to tweak his methodology to get out of debt quicker and make more money, by all means do so. Though if you make tweaks and if backfires, you may need to assess if you are really smart enough to work outside of his guidelines.

just realized trannies are trying to pay to win

Happy Thanksgiving! And if you are not American, I guess you just keep doing whatever you are doing today.

Fun Redditor guide to the bible, inflation, and all those LIES your EVIL CONSERVATIVE WHITE SCUM family will say at thanksgiving

(my fave is that inflation in the states is only 3.7% because “biden totally KICKED ITS ASS!”

Whenever a "former leftist" or "moderate liberal" comes to those of us further to the right begging to help stop those further left on the spectrum from destroying, the proper response is not to immediately accept them as they are with their current politics and all. Rather, they need to be ready to make concessions in their ideology/politics/worldview. It was their politics that lead to this point, so they need to abandon those stances.

While doing my morning workout, I saw both TV ads for crypto currency and a business news channel showing charts with the price of Bitcoin.

And I thought it Bitcoin/crypto currency was becoming too normie-fied when I saw "Buy Bitcoin here" ATMs. And now it is even further gone. So it will not shock me if the bubble gets even bigger and even more people lose a ton of money.

I am sure there are those that hate Jews protesting as well against Israel. Except these people have always existed, and they are often Muslim (no surprise considering Palestine is a factor). But just having a proclaimed "rise of anti-Semitism" is vague enough to give those in power the excuse to do what they please, including crackdowns on speech and sending more money to Israel. Meanwhile, they will blame white people for the "anti-Semitism" even if they are brown nosing Israel the hardest.

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I don't know if this point has been brought up before, but I doubt the claims of "anti-Semitism" on the rise being true. Rather, they just conflate any anti-Israeli protesters as being "anti-Semites" regardless of whether or not they actually hate Jews.

I guarantee there are plenty of lefty protestors labeled "anti-Semites" that are pro-Jew in every way except for having Israel as an ethnostate. It is just that they take the Ben Shapiro definition of "anti-Semitism" and run with it.

I have most certainly noticed that our household grocery costs have been higher these days. I have said before and will say again, I can accept this as the "new normal," even if I am not happy with it. I will take more expensive food over no food any day.

So I oppose any calls for price controls, as that will bring about the no food scenario I actually fear.

I don't claim to know all the details of what all happened with 9/11, but I and others are suspicious of the official story and suspect that there is a lot of lies being told.

This "debunking" does not help his case when he insists that the passengers and flight attendants would have to be in on the conspiracy.

No you retard. They did not know because they would have been considered acceptable losses by those carrying out the conspiracy. And only a few people from each agency would be needed.

@houseoftolstoy "media literacy" is knowing no corpo media can be trusted and journos are subhuman weasels.

Anyone who ever uses the term "media literacy" is just a shill for legacy media.

"Do you have a reliable source?" basically just means that they want you to have an "approved" news organization as a source.

I recall a Zerohedge article that laid out all the sources of information directly on the Rolling Stone Ivermectin/gunshot wounds in Oklahoma story being bullshit, but to a libshit this still was not good enough because it was not from a "reliable source."

But do not think that this makes Obama "based" in any way. He still kissed Israel's ass, just not in the way that the Neo-Cons and Zionists wanted. This seems a lot like how Obama would try to do things, unlike Biden, the self proclaimed Zionist himself (before he became a drooling zombie). I would also suspect if it was entirely Biden's cabinet in control, their overrepresented Jewish members would be far more Zionist in their end actions.

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