Funny thing about the Trump assassination attempt, there is already a whole lot of speculation asking what is really going on. A gay-op that failed, or is Trump surviving the assassination attempt the gay-op itself?
We no longer live in a time where we can trust that events playing out are authentic and heterosexual, because we cannot trust our own government, media, and other powers to not be fake and gay themselves.
Whenever I see any talk about "inflation going down" or "deflation is coming," I get why this propaganda is being put out, but it is completely retarded if you understand that even a slight decrease in prices or a slowing of inflation is not going to help much.
It is like going from 60 mph to 90 mph and then hitting the breaks a little to go 85 instead. "See, we are slowing down now!" The going slower by 5 mph is not as important to factor in the long term when 60 was previously the norm.
Doing overhead press, trying to up my numbers. I was recently able to do 145 lbs for 5 reps, so I figured I try with 150 lbs. I only get 3 reps. Not sure why I could not at least get 1 more rep, but I am not upset by this outcome. I remember when I could not even do a 1 plate overhead press for 1 rep.
Can't take credit for finding this. Though I did check to see that it was a recent post, and it was (2 days ago).
Is this just a shill post attempting to get others to go over and fight for Ukraine, or a genuine idiot who would actually throw his life away because he is stupid enough to believe the globohomo media that he would be "fighting for democracy?"
Could go either way, but it reflects a sad mindset either way.
I think a lesson of history in the future is that patriotism is a good indicator of whether or not your country will last. If people do not love their country, why would they fight for it? Countries that still have patriotism are far more likely to persist than those without. I see the destruction of patriotism as a major mistep by the Cathedral, as they have no means to sustain themselves if the citizens are apathetic about maintaining their own country.
I see mass immigration as a strong factor that weakens the sense of patriotism for the people who are the traditional heritage citizens of that country. Just what is the point of being a patriot and loving your country if entry for many foreign people is allowed, many of which are only there for economic reasons and do not share or worse, oppose your values. What is the point of your country if it is just a place to make money?
I can also expect that many people living in their own countries with ancestors living there for generations might take the deal of renouncing their citizenship as well. This is because many people (rightly) do not have a sense of patriotism for a country that no longer reflects their values and principles. Many countries are now more or less economic zones with an ever increasing list of laws that make life worse and are contradictory to their own values.
America, I am looking at you here.
I am willing to bet the vast majority of 1st, 2nd, and likely even 3rd generation immigrants would not qualify as patriots under this standard. And I say fair enough, I don't blame them.
But it should make everyone think about who is coming to their countries to live there and whether or not they are coming for the proper reasons. Having a higher standard of living for yourself is not enough of a reason to justify immigration from many countries.
I have a patriotism test that can apply for all countries:
The test: If an enemy power declared war on the country you reside in, but stated that they would spare anyone who renounces/denies citizenship of that country, would you stand and fight, or would you forfeit your right to citizenship?
For this test, you have a 1/4 chance of dying and a 1/2 chance that your country will lose the war regardless of your efforts. Do you love the country you live in enough?
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.