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Pride Month starts

my liberal work place: mandatory zoom meeting for all

"Pride Month Live -
HIV/AIDS: Destigmatizing Care through Education Design"

even they know that LGBTQ+ ppl are deceased riddled degenerates

Hey, remember when libshits were so upset about how Trump was an "embarrassment on the world stage," and that he was going to make relationships with other countries worse? Well, is this an example of things getting better?

Ugh, THIS again?

We never have anything in ‘common’ with women to begin with. You don’t need to have the same retarded goyslop media so you have substance to talk about after work - you have LIFE to do that. She’ll grow into your world, she’ll modify it and nest in your universe until your life is a comfy, cozy combination for both of you.

You find new things together, fresh frontiers and common ground. To this day I just don’t get what it is I’m supposed to not have in common w/ my 23 yo gf that I would with a 33 yo one.

I don’t even have any of the “guy” shit in common with any of you people here, either. I haven’t played the same games, seen the same shows, or watched any of the same movies. So what is it she’s supposed to share? Hyper online knowledge about WWII tanks? Is she supposed to understand how to use the command line in linux? That’s a dude. A dude I can creampie. No thanks.

You don’t need “things” in common with her, anything worthy you can just share with her anyways. The first time I felt the age gap was when I showed her that MDE dating game skit. She liked it, became an inside joke she’ll use to this day.


I’ve long been confused as to how americans look at the Donbas separatists and say “NO you HAVE to stay in your assigned federal servitute, you CANT just secede from enemy tyrants just because you hate them!!!”

but seeing this bizarre tranny talking about all the “microstates” the cia wants to assist in secession is even sillier. I know, it’s not about the actual issues at all, it’s just a silly dichotomy to me.

I will not argue that this is going to necessarily solve birth rate issues (we need to remove feminism for that to be fixed), but this particular issue on its own. Helping the next generation to a point when the hurdles have become higher is the right thing to do.

Yes, you do not want to coddle your children and enable bad behavior, but there is a balance that can be found. That balance can be found making sure that your children can even have the chance to raise a family in their own homes.

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How many boomers have brought up to their children the "I want to have grandchildren" conversation? If they do bring up this sort of thing, do they understand that buying a home is a major hurdle for those who want to start a family?

If they really, really want those grandchildren, they should be willing to pitch in their own finances to help get a house for their own children. Perhaps some do, but I do not think this is common.

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Many homes have become very expensive. So expensive that some people cannot get a foot in the door to get their first house by their own power. Boomers who look down upon younger generations for not being able to get their own home should really reserve their judgement, as they are a part of the problem for why homes are so prohibitively expensive. After all, they like seeing their property values increase. So they vote to keep it that way, even at the expense of the younger generations.

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There is a point to be made about future generations not coasting on the money that they inherited, as this can lead to people becoming lazy and incompetent. But older generations should not take this to the extreme to the point that they leave nothing for their children or do not assist them financially at appropriate times. The perfect example of this is in the housing market.

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While my own dad is a literal boomer, I will give him credit that he is better than many of his generation. What I mean is that he actually seems to care to leave my siblings and I something down the line. Might be in large part that he rarely spends money (he lives like a college student even though he does not really need to).

But there is something important that I still keep in mind: I do not want to feel like I should depend on any inheritance for my financial well-being.

The Master returned from the market with his wife, heavy-laden with fresh produce and rice. His wife pleaded with him to make several trips, lest he lose some of their purchases. The Master replied: “A junzi must carry many burdens at once, in his mind and his heart, if he is to ever be put in charge over others. Only a petty man (小人), weak in both body and spirit, would need to make more than one trip from his carriage with his produce.” The villagers who heard all this were astonished and enlightened by the wisdom he spoke in so simple a thing.

The left is at war with objective reality and human nature.

@Tfmonkey Not sure if you already have this for your Wednesdayshow, but even if not, this is the perfect ragebait.

Notice the positive examples given are not even at replacement rate.

@PapaPole fixed.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.