

Have you used a stationary bike? If so, do you recommend?

I need to move my legs but I don't have place to walk or run; I'm not going outside, it's shit.

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@kaiservenom @Tfmonkey I personally enjoy more running than biking so I run in home basement where I have space
for distance around 9-10 steps

I do it many times I can.

There is video what we did in school It is something similar but more in one line

@Stahesh @kaiservenom @Tfmonkey dont buy it, you are going off impulse, it will not help you with anything and will just be more clutter, better to go outside for a walk even if it is raining, just put on a water proof jacket or something it will do much btter for your health and emotional well-being.

@Stahesh @kaiservenom @Tfmonkey

I suggest an elliptical with an adjustable resistance setting with a tv screen hooked to the internet in front of it

The primary difference between a exercise bike and elliptical is that you do not sit down so it hurts your butt less

An Elliptical or Exercise Bike can do the same number of calories per hour as a treadmill with a lower maximum force on the joints

@Stahesh @kaiservenom @Tfmonkey

When you pick up your foott while running or walking there is zero force followed by a huge amount of force when the foot touches the ground

This means if the average force with respect to time is the same on an elliptical, treadmill or exercise bike then the maximum force at any moment in time is greater with the trearmill than the other two exercise devices

Treadmill might be better for preventing osteoporosis but injure joints faster

@Stahesh @kaiservenom @Tfmonkey

It is important that the exercise device can be run bwckwards because if you can only run it forwards you will be in more pain then if you run it the opposite direction every once in a while

Some Ellipticals and Exercise Bikes with electronic systems turn off when you run them backwards

@Stahesh @kaiservenom @Tfmonkey

On a treadmill it is possible to face the other direction and attach the safety clip to the back of your shirt instead of the front of your shirt

problem is trying to set or adjust the controls or start or stop while facing the wrong way is dangerous

You can also walk sideways on a treadmill which I do not know how to do on an elliptical or exercise bike

@Stahesh @kaiservenom @Tfmonkey

Walk in a circle

Then walk in a circle the opposite direction

This is bagua martial arts training

You may need to learn how to do spotting technique while walking in circles until you get used to it

Walking in a small radius circle takes little room

You can also walk forward and then backwards or straight sideways left then straight sideways right over the same small path over & over again

Make sure nothing behind you

@Stahesh @kaiservenom @Tfmonkey

If you have limited room and a bed that will not break and want to do leg exercises then you can use it instead of a matt to do pilates and leg raises while lying on your front, back and side

@shortstories @Stahesh @kaiservenom yes I have a stationary bike I got from Aldi. It folds away and I can use it while watching videos or waiting for videos to process or upload without leaving my office.

One of the better lifehacks I've found was simply to move things upstairs so that it forces me to run up and down the stairs more often throughout the day.

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