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Found this. A bit funny but don't know how much true it is (not taking a deep dive because I'm not that interested).

When the time comes to face the ATF, do not be afraid to use it.


I finally get it. Instead of Jews fighting against mole people inside tunnels, what if Jews are the mole people like the Underminer from "The Incredibles" and are building a machine to one day strike the surface?

I'm looking for an office chair. The Aeron chair by Herman-Miller is outside my budget and I'm not interested in a gaming chair. Any recommendations?

Summary of yesterday's Morning Constitutional (2/28/2024):


Have you used a stationary bike? If so, do you recommend?

I need to move my legs but I don't have place to walk or run; I'm not going outside, it's shit.


If you ever find yourself without options and with a one-way ticket to China, you can always work as the Monkey King (Oh, my...):

@Tfmonkey Get Celestina to sing this song. It fits your Mexican mowing problem.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.