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Europe: Imports immigrants to support the welfare state
Immigrants: become leeches upon said welfare state, thus accelerating its collapse.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

TFM: Hey, am here to collect my money, now that the recession hit money market

Money market: am sorry sir, but we lost all your money. we can't give it back, sorry.

The VPN works again . . . so we will do the show this evening. (7pm PST, 10pm EST)


I want to have disposable cell phone numbers. Do you recommend buying cheap SIM cards, or is there a dedicated service where I can rent numbers?


Your rights didn't come from God, nor were they granted to you from the government.

Your rights are a formalization of what you are willing to kill and die for.

If you're willing to kill and die for something, no matter how absurd, it will be recognized as a right.

If you're unwilling to kill or die for the rights your ancestors killed and died for, then expect those rights to be taken away from you.

No piece of paper or judge can protect you from your own cowardice and weakness.

To whoever needs to hear this:

Don't fish in the Rubicon. If you're not prepared to go all the way, don't do shit.

If you have too much to lose to risk it, even if you're upset and want to "do something", don't do shit.

Ask yourself how far you're willing to go, and if the answer isn't "all the way", then don't do shit.

Have a nice day.

We've all heard "day of the rope" to refer to total nigger death.
BUT, hear me out.
"Day of the pillow. Total boomer death."


You should call your trigger finger a "monkey's paw."

When you wish something to the monkey's paw, one of its fingers curls and stiffens; just like your hand.

Has anyone wished anything on your chimp paw? Something to think about.

when you understand how a magic trick works, it kinds feels sad watching the people perform them.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.