If this is anywhere near accurate, this is absolutely fucking wild.
Holy crap, they are absolutely desperate.
"If it doesn't make sense, it's the CIA" - Scott Adams.
One of TFM's recent shows mentioned the Israeli attack on USS Liberty. Never heard about it before, here's Scott Ritter talking about it
Just thinking: The hardest period/test for a man is in his 20's.
The pull for pussy is highest but is ability to leverage for it is weakest. A lot of dumb shit happens here.
If you can escape from them with no kids, no wife, no charges, and no debt, then you are in a good position to be set, for Life.
Hunter biden getting exposed by the Russian media
@VooDooMedic woman are humans for sure, but they definitely should not be given rights, they are basically giant children with tits, they dont think they feel.