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Holy crap, they are absolutely desperate.

"If it doesn't make sense, it's the CIA" - Scott Adams.

An assassination attempt is carried out against a former president and current presidential candidate, multiple shots fired, said candidate is hit directly in the ear by at least one bullet and the media has settled on calling it "loud noises" and claiming that he "fell". At some indeterminate point in the future, when we win, remember the sort of crap your average journalist pulled when they all start trying to blend in again and avoid any sort of punishment
Credit where it's due though, Trump handled this like a champ, real Teddy Roosevelt moment (though I wouldn't dare compare the two any further, Trump is a wet paper bag compared to the bull moose).

If we lived in a same nation with uncorrupted voting systems, these pictures alone would guarantee a landslide, but he'll probably still lose, whether that's for the better or worse ill leave to the more socially maladjusted to argue over.
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I hope everyone ends up enjoying their 4th of July BBQs, fireworks, parades, and time with their families. Have a good one.
can't iron a shirt
can't cook a simple meal
can't wash dishes properly
can't clean
can't manage money

but they're damn sure you'd be lucky to have them

One of TFM's recent shows mentioned the Israeli attack on USS Liberty. Never heard about it before, here's Scott Ritter talking about it

Just thinking: The hardest period/test for a man is in his 20's.
The pull for pussy is highest but is ability to leverage for it is weakest. A lot of dumb shit happens here.
If you can escape from them with no kids, no wife, no charges, and no debt, then you are in a good position to be set, for Life.

With @Microsoft
Orwellian OS now fully intent on recording my every action and censoring me to oblivion, I'll be migrating all my existing business and buying @system76
workstations that support the new Rust Cosmic DE going forward. Meanwhile Gnome can go sit in the corner.


@VooDooMedic woman are humans for sure, but they definitely should not be given rights, they are basically giant children with tits, they dont think they feel.

So, Let me get this straight
US worker gors to work.
US worker makes a product.
US government steals money from the US worker
US government gives money to Israel.
Israel buys US product.
US company gets money, and pays US worker..............

This is so weird.

Over the course of months Hezbollah has slowly chipped away at northern Israeli defenses until now where pretty much every projectile they fire lands and they have set the entire north of the country on fire. Basically meaning that if Hezbollah wants to they could just take over the North since there will be no Israelis there to stop them before they entrench themselves.

Israel has lost all international credibility, humiliated themselves repeatedly, have arrest warrants out for all their senior officials, basically meaning that diplomacy with anyone aside from the US is impossible, and now their north is probably Lebanon now. Hope the genocide was worth it
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A club for red-pilled exiles.