The deal is so bad.
The deal is so bad, that without much hesitation, I moved 600 miles away from an LTR, into a house with my parents to save money and prepare for my retirement phase of life.
Women and weak men can't even fathom this, they simply can't fathom that someone would choose thier own life and contentment over a modern day relationship.
@Tfmonkey you should write "the" book on feminism, gynocenrism, history of how and why we got here. How and why to rebuild the society and summarize past decade of what you have learnt. It should be your opus. Throw in net tax payer system and welfare as well.
@owenbenjamin @nickdipaolo Turnips are the best. Greens all fall. Roots sweeten after several frosts. Roast them in chicken fat under a bird. Sauté the budding shoots and then the seed pods in spring. Excellent plant. I plant them right about now. Here’s last year’s.
@UncleIroh @DoubleD @Mongoliaboo
This fucking kid is already telling his dad off and opposing his libcuck propaganda. In a couple years this kid is going to wear MAGA hat and celebrate white boy summer.
If this is anywhere near accurate, this is absolutely fucking wild.
Holy crap, they are absolutely desperate.
"If it doesn't make sense, it's the CIA" - Scott Adams.