If you want to know if any of your friends are pedophiles, text them "HAPPY CNY"

If they respond with "what's CNY" you can tell them it means Chinese New Year, and your friend isn't a pedophile.

If they respond with 😭 😭 😭 then you're friend is a pedophile.

@Tfmonkey - If I may offer a small distinction for consideration: I understand CNY refers to anime lolis, right?

I've been around a doujin manga or two... and lolis are nothing like actual children - in demeanor and behavior that is. My point being: lolis ≠ children.

Lolis tend to be little sexpots and pinups, sprung forth from the imagination and a pen. Whereas actual children are generally needy & annoying little shits (that require immense investment to be turned into functional adults).

@Tfmonkey - Would there be some venn diagram overlap between cny enthusiasts and actual pedos? I'm sure.

But being one of either category, doesn't mean a person is necessarily the other as well.

Just a thought. 🤔🍻

Edit: I've heard TFM's views on losing respect for people. So I'll volunteer the reason it's an area of interest for me. I was raised in a house with horrific sexual child abuse, & very real consequences. My larger aim, is to get to the bottom of why it happens. Also, I like anime.


@YoMomz @Tfmonkey

Based on fallible memory of what I read years ago from sources not listed

Statistics have been gotten from the prison population who were caught

Low IQ (caught)

2 / 3 fall in one of the two categories
1 are primarily attracted to adults but can not get consistent access to a adult partner, such as a spouse who refuses access. So they commit the crime because it is easy access
2 Are delusional due to mental health

1 / 3 commit the crime based on primary attraction

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