@shortstories @Zeb @37712 @Stahesh Duckweed and nutritional yeast have all The B12 I need both easy to farm in nature

@VeganMGTOW @shortstories @Zeb @Stahesh yeah, just dont forget to shove it up your ass for maximum absorption BAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

@37712 @shortstories @Zeb @Stahesh I wouldn't be surprise if TFM will need fecal transplant in The Future he already taking fiber supplement imagine suplementing something that you can get you daily requirement with just a coup of fruits but since he Is in The Keto insanity he can't consume fruits

@VeganMGTOW @37712 @shortstories @Zeb @Tfmonkey If he wants improve his microbiome there are probiotics and water sources outside like rainwater in barel or river.

Or other sources of bacteria outside.

And I think he take it for lowering his blood sugar and insulin.

Next option going full carnivore that is carb free and many say it improve their gut microbiome

@Stahesh @37712 @shortstories @Zeb @Tfmonkey Usually meat to get Sell Will need to have tons of antibiotics that stuff kill your microbiome I don't think carnivore Is The answer

@VeganMGTOW @37712 @shortstories @Zeb @Tfmonkey What if he eats many raw vegetables. That destroy your gut microbiom too and fasten your bowel movement.

I like how carnivore can slow down my bowel movement so I can have normal digestation and take normal shit after.


@Stahesh @VeganMGTOW @37712 @Zeb @Tfmonkey

Too much fiber can cause digestive problems

Fiber is classified as a anti nutrient

Sometimes people on low or no plant diet experience improved digestion because of the fiber reduction and better teeth if sugar consumption is reduced

But these benefits can be got by using plant based foods with reduced fiber

A low carbohydrate diet can be obtained eating plant based foods

However a high carbohydrate diet is better for high intensity endurance

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@Stahesh @VeganMGTOW @37712 @Zeb @Tfmonkey

If someone desires a low percent carbohydrate plant based diet there are nuts, soybeans, avocado and some seeds that have a lower percent of Calories from carbohydrates than other plants and have no cholesterol

You can also get modified plant foods that removed certain parts or certain things like fiber or fat that are not genetically engineered

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