

I am not asking which diet is the safest not claiming any diet is safe or unsafe nor prescribing any diet by asking this


Assuming you eat the same amount of protein and the same amount of non Caloric nutrients and exercise and sleep the same and the same amount of alcohol Calories or no alcohol

Which type of diet will cause you to lose weight the fastest?

· · Web · 4 · 4 · 3

@shortstories Well according to this poll resulta by time I vote 1 Will die from starvation and 2 Will die from a heart disease or diabetes.


Nobody is making you eat according to how people vote

@shortstories I mean I am just pointing out why The medical business will be continue to have clients


I didn't ask which diet is safest

I asked which would lower weight the fastest and there is only 1 correct answer and I know what it is and I am not arrogant for claiming to know this

It is shocking that everyone has not answered the same answer this should be so obvious

The correct answer might actually be less safe than the other three options


Prehistory is just fiction stories that people make up and pretend is non fiction history

@VeganMGTOW @shortstories Proof Vegans are Retards,they believe studies about Highly Plant Based Cavemen

@Scubbie @shortstories Well the study is in the video description You can earn an scientific award if You disproven the study.

@Scubbie @VeganMGTOW

There is no evidence of any specific non human primate that modern humans evolved from

There is no evidence that more than 50% of humans lived in caves as their primary home at any time in history

I am not denying that humans might have evolved from non human primates

@shortstories @Scubbie Chimps are the closest thing to our ancestors and they don't live in caves

@Scubbie @VeganMGTOW

I changed the word "deny" to "denying" and broke the chain by deleting and redrafting

I think Vegan MGTOW was replying here

"Chimps don't live in caves and they are the closest thing to our ancestors"

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW The only ones who escapes the time traveling death cult,are the ones science can’t provide how they died,Billy the Kid is an example because he had multiple identities a clouded history

@shortstories it doesn't really matter. What matters is: there is a "calorie deficit".
Calories in must be less than calories out, or burned.
3,000 calories per day is the average amount required for a 200 lb man with a reasonable amount of physical activity, per day.


Would a larger calorie deficit per day will result in a larger weight loss per day?

@shortstories Well, you don't want to starve yourself. Reduce your normal daily calorie intake by 10%. Combined with exercise.

@shortstories High fat low carb. I think it will work from antecdotal evidence, although I've had plenty of success with high protein moderate fat moderate carb. I will certainly say that high fat low carb diets are EASIER for me. I can cut two pounds a week pretty easily on keto or protein heavy, but on a calorie restricted carb-heavy diet I feel like crap. Plant heavy diets would be my second choice for ease of weight loss, although the high fiber is really hard on my gut.
@shortstories It does depend on the amount of weight and the timeline, Keto will drop water weight fast as it empties glycogen stores, so if you are talking 10-15 pounds in a month, I would say high fat low carb.


But why do you believe that high Fat low carb results in faster weight loss per time then low Fat low carb?

If high Fat low carb results in Keto then is there any reason that low Fat low carb would not result in Keto?

@shortstories If your fat to protein ratio is not correct, the body does it's magic and turns proteins into glycogen, which means no ketosis. you're just burning carbs and glycogen if you go low fat low carb, unless you cut your protein.


You would be eating the same number of carbs on low Fat low carb as on high Fat low carb

Have I not been specific enough about this

@shortstories it is the fat to protein ratio that will inhibit ketosis, under 30g carbs is a start for the body to look for glycogen stores then fat stores, but if your body is turning protein into glycogen, then the carbs makes no difference to the weight loss, you're in a glycogen cycle and as long as you're eating carbs and protein, your body is making glycogen.


I believe that the following diets would be unsafe for most people and so I am not endorsing them

But if someone ate

1000 Calories of fat and 0 calories of everything else including carbs

And someone else ate 0 Calories

who would lose weight faster with the same sleep and exercise routine?

@shortstories sure, starving the body of all sources of energy would result in faster weight loss. I don't typically think of starving as a weight loss plan, but it is an effective one if your goal is fast results regardless the sustainability.
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