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@ArdainianRight @Humpleupagus @Monsignor_DickFace

This video explains how a customer could make money through a bank in a full reserve system

Fractional Reserve Banking vs Full Reserve Banking | How Do They Work?



@ArdainianRight @Humpleupagus @Monsignor_DickFace

Another simpler way is the customer can put money in a checking account that earns no interest or negative interest for the protection fee

or give the bank money to lend to other customers they find in exchange for the bank sharing a portion of the profits from lending

@ArdainianRight @Humpleupagus @Monsignor_DickFace

For example a customer might have two accounts

1 A checking account that can be used any time

2 A savings account that can only be accessed during certain time frames

The bank can not lend the money in the customer checking account

The bank can lend money in the customer checking account to other customers and that customer earns a portion of the profit from these loans

They can only take money out of savings at designated times

@ArdainianRight @Humpleupagus @Monsignor_DickFace

"They'd have to have an extra pool of savings to lend from in addition to the money deposited by customers"

The customer would deposit money into two categories

1 Is money the depositor can access any time that can not be used for loans

2 Is money the bank is given permission to use for loans, but the bank depositor can not access for a certain tine frame. The bank depositor would earn a share of the profit the bank made off these loans.

Univision SCANDAL! Kamala Free Fall Continues! 2nd Amendment Victory Out of Commie New York! & MO..



If fractional reserve lending was outlawed and only full reserve lending was legal as a form of lending then that would reduce the prices of houses and rent relative to the average median income


There are two different Jordan Peterson personalities

1 When he debates or talks to guests he sounds reasonable to me

2 When he is given the opportunity to say a lecture all by himself with no guest to talk to he sounds like nonsense at best and an evil person, madman or stupid or ignorant person at worst to me


How To Expand Your Stomach Using Water

As mentioned in How To Expand Your Stomach Using Water, there are a few professional eaters that are able to drink over 2 gallons of liquid in one sitting

they do not use just water. They use low calorie sports drinks such as Gatorade or Powerade along with water to maintain their electrolytes.

if you try to drink over 1 gallon of regular water really quickly without any prior experience

You may pass out and even die.


USDA Organic plant foods are not supposed to have pesticide deliberately added

USDA Organic animal products can use an animal that has been injected with mRNA vaccines

There is a difference between a kike and a Jew

Not all kikes are Jews and not all Jews are kikes

@iwetoddid @mutageno2

People will have to start walking, running and biking more because they put in electronic devices where the governments, corporations and hackers can tamper with your cars while you drive

Try to approach a point in life where you can boycott vehicles as a goal

Ultra marathoners are real

@Based_Accelerationist @marlathetourist

The White gentile population has a negative second derivative with respect to time

The black population has a positive first derivative with respect to time


said, "will be a nobel in literature and not economics" in video close to 15 minute mark


Also it is possible to switch where you use the mouse with the left hand and the keyboard with the right hand instead of the keyboard with the left hand and the mouse with the right hand

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@shortstories @Stahesh My entire tribe of over 4500 Czech & German ranchers eats our own chemical-free food. After almost six years of this I can tell these people are healthier, stronger and smarter than out there in America. You'll not find any fat here in anyone under sixty. The poisoning of White Folks is real but avoidable.

1 There ate too many stupid people and too many smart people

2 There are too many stupid people and not enough smart people

3 There are too many smart people and not enough stupid people

4 There are not enough smart people and not enough stupid people

My teamlead has a hate-boner for spread operators and I don't understand why.

What is going on with the internet? My speeds are blazing, but every new connection takes 5 seconds to handshake. Did the 'jeets finally manage to fuck everything all the way down to TCP?


Maybe he was too old or suffered too many mental or physical health problems as a result of events that happened as he got old, I do not think age directly causes health problems but events that happen throughout one's life as they get older

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.