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I grew up in show business and we all talked about changing our names but we didn’t know it was jewish
@s2208 @BattleDwarfGimli @AngryWraith @BarelyEagle @CatLord @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild @Turkleton @brokeassredneck @dubbub Even the jew heads of studios changed their names back in the day. Probably lots of movie stars changed their name to hide the fact that they were jews. Some weren't though.

The government welds your door shut and then outlaws starting a business and living in McMansions, cars, skyscrapers, and tiny homes.

The governments bans body odor and then closes stores and bans delivery services.

The state closes bathrooms and then outlaws public urination.

The government closes the border and then arrests tourists for overstaying their visas.

Orthodox Judaism is a extremist hate group

Do you remember when the British people had a King named George?

Misogyny (Men Fighting Misandry) to be classified as ''Extremism'' in the UK.



So the hypersonic missiles is developed and operational but launch vehicle for it isn't. This BS is getting real obvious. Also, the article mentions collecting data about airflow at hypersonic speeds but they should already have that from the X-43 program in 2003.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.