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Kike's consider whether or not someone is what they call Jewish to be based on whether or not their mother is what they call Jewish

@RegalBeagle @shortstories

This seems to be normal in impoverished small or isolated communities anyway. One guy gets busy while every other man is drunk or working.

@shortstories It's common knowledge about the inbreeding in section 8 housing in the US. Every single mom's niglets are from the same drug dealer and their kids end up fucking each other. It's worse than Alabama ever was.

Most people do not want to be held responsible for their undesirable consequences of their decisions but most men can not get away with trying to avoid consequences for their decisions

When women make bad decisions they often can to some degree make men pay the undesirable consequences of their decisions

The kike culture is matriarchal and they consider being held responsible for their decisions to be persecution

For example if a kike hit someone they would blame the person who hit them back

HIAS (founded as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society[5]) is a Jewish American nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid and assistance to refugees

How many Jews have you met that say they support opening borders for refugees to enter Israel?

@ForbiddenDreamer @magicalthinking @GrungeQueef No way these Haitian niggers actually have jobs. What they have is a jew from HIAS rubber stamping everything on their behalf so they can stay in this country and ruin the lives of White people.

Tags: stats, race, blacks, whites, crime, interracial_crime, rape, usa, america, violent_crime, women
Source: The booru is down for now
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Woman sues a man that rescued her from drowning

I'll Never Help a Woman EVER AGAIN!



Claims military man is too much of a coward to admit about policies taking deserving men out to put women in certain job positions

Military Men are COWARDS



Men to Women: Don't Blame US for YOUR choices! ‪at TheHistocrat‬



Video presenter says "the age of consent laws are to demonize men, not protect children"

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Daggerfall is 100% free and better than most of the newer games

The company / corporation that owns rights to daggerfall decided to allow people to use it for free years after it was originally released for pay

People have spent years modifying it to remove bugs and improve gameplay, audio and graphics

It allows more choice than other single player games in the elder scrolls series from what I heard of

Consider playing old games and boycotting new stuff

@Thusnelda @CatLord @brokeassredneck @BattleDwarfGimli @TrevorGoodchild @BarelyEagle @Orkin_Awk @Turkleton @AngryWraith I remember we combed her Twitter back when the first tweet came out, and found nothing except that her real name was Simonsen, which isn't jewish in the overwhelming majority of cases.
why would she change her name if it isn’t jewish
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