300 Officers Decertified After Doctor was Dragged Off Flight https://youtube.com/watch?v=ai4A0IciiRM&si=WjE9lM2foShr-tVR
So people are going to audio, visual or text group chat platforms that ban hate speech.
They then go to groups that support banning hate speech and say hate speech
They then flag the content as having hate speech to get it shut down
And the people that get shut down for this deserve to be shut down because that is the policy they supported
Video Title
FUCK THE JEWS!!! - COUNTRY STYLE!!! LOL. >> Song titled : "Schneerson's Sons Sneerin" <<
Video Title : Every kike ✡️ is an albino nigger
So Ashkenazi Kikes supposedly have schizophrenia more frequently than the genuine population as well as blacks also supposedly having schizophrenia more frequently
Now Kikes enslaved and reproduced with African Americans
It would be interesting to find out if from African countries who do not claim a Israelite ancestry have a higher rate of schizophrenia or only African Americans
Does African American increased schizophrenia prevalence come from Ashkenazi or Sephardic kike ancestry?
So I have heard some videos claiming Kikes consider natural physical relationships between a male and female under certain circumstances a violation of some rule but they do not consider unnatural physical relations between a male and female a violation of the same rule
So I was thinking when Bill Clinton said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky"
That he meant it did not count because they were unnatural relations based on kike rules
Seeing this video made me think about something regarding right-left politics. It was inevitable that the left would push young men out, because their ideaology of equality is antithetical to how men operate. Men are naturally competitve, and seek to compete to determine where they stand. If left to compete in all areas, men would be dominant in pretty much all areas.
Thus men are shoved down in order to try (and fail) at reaching the ideal of equality.
Nationalism not Globalism
Local Anarchist communities not Worldwide Anarchism
Corporations, United Nations Governments, Most Media and Most Clergy are on Team Evil
The Jewish religion intends to exterminate Christians
The Jewish religion intends to enslave or exterminate Gentiles or Goyim
Palestinians are the true Hebrew Israelites
at short stories at
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