
Here's a free laugh. Single mom thinks she deserves better.

10 to 1 she's fucked some other chad,. She just wants permission to be a whore and cuck her fiancé.

@marlathetourist @ButtWorldsMan It just goes to show that even being a cuck simp won’t do you any favors.

@ButtWorldsMan You almost have to sympathize with the honest stupidity, but then they fuck it up the same way they always do by not seeing their ridiculous expectations, or taking the advice, & on 1 hand it makes the search for a woman so much simpler by just looking for one who is smart enough to listen & apply what their told without complaint, but on the other almost none of them do that. Not looking for another man after having a kid is the most basic advice.
@Stahesh @ButtWorldsMan The one's that aren't we'll never meet in clown world.

@ButtWorldsMan You can make a safe bet that this woman would have never dated this man if she was not a single mom. And even if she consciously knows this, she still does not show that she understands this is the best deal she will get given her circumstances. If/when this relationship ends, she will only then realize that she lost the opportunity she did not deserve.

@houseoftolstoy @ButtWorldsMan

I want this to be right because it would redeem to some extent her previous stupid mistakes. Unfortunately it won't happen.

There's no question about "if". It will end.

And yes, she should "realize that she lost the opportunity she did not deserve", but those feelings will never be allowed to develop into actual thought.

Pursuing the next doomed relationship will always win. By the time she hits the wall she'll lose the entitlement but gain misandry & spite.

@ButtWorldsMan This is why fathers should arrange marriage for their daughters and why mothers who are still married to their husbands are needed to teach their daughters to appreciate what they have.


notice she only talks about herself and not about what her son needs.

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