@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey I am not a fan of this flow chart because it makes too many assumptions. For example, what if you want people to leave you alone, but don't mind working with others for mutual benefit? That doesn't fit into this chart. We also need to define what absolute truth is before entering the flow chart, but "How do we access these truths?" might redefine what "truth" is.


@DoubleD @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey
Then you end up like Randy weaver inna woods. He worked with other and wanted to be left alone too.
And the chart answers your questions
>you’re a relativist with low Iq. Consider euthanasia
Why if you lock two Jews in a room, they’ll invent 5 orgs, NGO’s, committees in two hours

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@Deuces @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey If the chart answered my questions, I'd not have asked them here, I'd have read the chart.

@DoubleD @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey
First box on the right is for you. It Answered your question since ur using femoid cunt hair splitting. Lol. It’s like watching those cunts on Whatever show: theirs is either truth such as men are stronger than wamynz. Then cunts start whataboutism and define strong and, I know some stronk wamynz.
Plus for a bonus I illustrated what being left alone looks like. Getting shot in the face by Zogbots like Randy weaver

@Deuces @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey Ah, I see. You aren't interested in actually furthering the conversation by engaging with my question in good faith. I have nothing more beyond this message to say to you.

@DoubleD @Deuces @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey

You're right to question how "truth" is presented here.

Truth is a metaphysical claim, yet this chart makes a category error by claiming it can be accessed via empiricism.

It took me about 2 seconds to work out that the person who created this chart is an absolute fucking moron.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @Deuces @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey
"Believing that others will react as we would is the single most dangerous myth of intervention."
- Gavin de Becker

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