@Tfmonkey I dont know if I will be voting in the elections, my choices are between a mentally challenged jew cum swallower and a jew cum swallower, if I vote for the potato jew cum swallower atleast he will do a terrible job at sucking jew dick. Is it really the right choice to vote trump over biden, biden has basically done so much to destroy everything, do we really want to get rid of that in exchange for someone who is actually competent at sucking jew cock?

@37712 @Tfmonkey Why vote for a lesser evil? When you can vote for greatest.

@Stahesh @37712 @Tfmonkey It's unfortunate that whoever made that is so unfamiliar with the mythos as to believe that CTHULHU is evil.

@DoubleD @37712 I personally know very little about Cthulhu lore.

Because I am not big fan of horrors.

So I will need to look in to it to know more.


@Stahesh @37712 This is my opinion based on my tastes. Some people love HP Lovecraft, and would excoriate me for this:
The mythos and the potential worlds creatable and inspired by HP Lovecraft are far better than most of his actual stories, which are middling, (science?) fiction at best.
"The Call of Cthulhu" is a starting place, but I would argue that no one can say that The Old Ones are evil in any respectable sense of the word.

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@DoubleD @Stahesh @37712 I'm voting for Trump just to see what happens. I'm not going to throw my infinitesimal vote away on a joke.

>I'm not going to throw my infinitesimal vote away on a joke.

Then why vote for Trump?

@NEETzsche @37712 @DoubleD @Stahesh Trump is a real candidate, not a joke write-in. I want to see if the FBI assassinate him if he wins.

I’ve kind of lost faith in this country but I think a convicted felon being elected President from his prison cell might be the most American thing imaginable.

@Tfmonkey I absolutely 100% promise you if Trump is elected he will fuck you in the ass again. When that happens, I hope you'll finally admit you were wrong TFM.

I don’t think any sane person today thinks Trump will fix much, if anything. But putting him office to say fuck you to The System?

@NEETzsche Even if Trump isn't controlled opposition, which I strongly disagree with, flipping them the bird doesn't do much without action behind it. Trump is a total cuck. Q.E.D. all you're going to get is a curb stomp.

I see you’re malding about Trump being center-right and not hard right. It’s not 2021. Get over it. This country is done for. Just get the popcorn out and enjoy the decline.

Lol nah they’re just going to rig the election again, but this time harder and more overtly. They might even admit to doing it this time, as a humiliation ritual.

@NEETzsche @37712 @DoubleD @Stahesh @Tfmonkey Well you’re generally a bundle of joy this morning.

Thanks to our federal system which was specifically set up at the time to make sure NYC and Philadelphia wouldn’t rule the country, it’s relatively difficult to cheat in national elections, so many polities involved.

I keep saying based on personal experience of that decade that “Biden” is speed running the 1970s. That didn’t end well for Carter, who lost in a landslide, Reagan got 44 states and 50.7% of the vote compared to Carter at 41%, and spoiler John Anderson (yeah, there’s reasons you don’t remember his name) at 6.6%.

With JFK Jr. now playing that role … it’s hard to say. “Biden” just wants him dead, has denied him Secret Service protection, which I’m sure had more than a little to do with him abandoning the rigged game of Democratic party nominations.

He’s a hard left freak, for example wants to end fracking in the US because it’s the main feed stock of plastics for which the world, not so much the US, has a waste disposal problem. That would immediately kill tens of millions of Americans….

He’s also of course a gun grabber; perhaps we should forgive that for someone who’s father and uncle were notoriously killed with guns, but that doesn’t mean we should let him run the country.

Given how very hard “Biden” is going after guns and gun shops, perhaps worst ever administration for that in many ways albeit with the AFT not murderizing people yet (strangely enough they managed to avoid actually killing anyone until Waco except for a fetus, but it was close) that’s not going to help RFK Jr. Albeit the NRA is MIA due to a justified corruption prosecution and an anti-gun law firm looting it … although that might end favorably for gun owners/members enough before the election.

If our ruling trash tries to cheat “harder and more overtly” … OK, I don’t think we have any reasonable expectations they won’t after they got away with it in 2020 and 2022. But there’s the above possible hurdle where they’ll be obvious but will fail, and the longer they succeed the more they undermine their moral and political position. That has consequences, especially when they’ve overtly declared war on at least half the country.

One other relevant note: they won’t have to assassinate Trump if one of the state prosecutions puts him in prison, which he can’t pardon himself out of unlike a Federal case. @pcachu is right they’re psychotic in the layman’s sense to try, but they’ve got enough remaining wisdom to try lesser means prior to needing that step. Like, they show every sign of knowing they’re flirting with a hot shooting civil war, and in that context they’ve Officially placed nukes on the table…. Which will only work as a terror weapon, but….


Okay but counterpoint: we had actual elections then. We don’t have that now.

@NEETzsche @37712 @DoubleD @Stahesh @Tfmonkey @pcachu “we had actual elections [in 1980]. We don’t have that now.”

And you know this how??? Haven’t heard of the 1960 and 1964 election details?? The former was widely recognized as stolen, the latter had the FBI planting bugs in Goldwater’s campaign plane etc.

All you have to do is to note how often the ruling trash of a polity doesn’t get its way in an election. OK, it’s another country, but see the recent Australian vote. That happens more often than the West’s ruling trash wants. Which of course is zero times, but when they lost a Brexit….

Locally, I can attest this happens a lot in my part of deep Red State America no matter how much our ruling trash stamp their feet and harm us. But look for other examples I can cite without getting doxxed, Virginia is a good one, see the end of (((Eric Cantor’s))) political career in 2014, and the general Democratic skunking in that state in 2021. As someone who spent a dozen years in the state when it was Purple, along with many others we’d incorrectly concluded it had gone permanently Blue.

Note also how Officially close a lot of these elections are, and, again, how many go against Democrats and members of the establishment so I can sweep in the GOPe.

Now, it’s entirely possible you’re right at the national level, but you need more than two elections and only one Presidential to make a solid case that’s true, otherwise your black pilling makes you effectively an enemy agent.

I’m not counting 2018 due to how many RINOs simply headed for the exits before the election, plus each Senate election is only for a third of the body. On the other hand, perhaps study the corrupt deal the Georgia GOPe made with the state’s Democrats for them to win statewide elections (then again, who wants to be ruled by Stacy Abrams??) and against Trump and the 2020 Republican Senatorial candidates.

In any case, another fact free reply will mark you as a troll and possible enemy agent, and people who don’t mute you in response will get what they deserve.

>In any case, another fact free reply will mark you as a troll and possible enemy agent, and people who don’t mute you in response will get what they deserve.

Everything I’ve said is correct. You are a boomer. Go back to sleep grandpa.

That's the only compelling argument I've heard to vote. That said, I've never felt the urge to vote for which set of clowns win the chicken battle at the circus.
@NEETzsche @37712 @DoubleD @Stahesh

@BiggusDiccus @NEETzsche @37712 @DoubleD @Tfmonkey

For me voting in democracy does not have meaning. When I know that majority are normies and NPCs.

That know nothing or very little and will not spend time to do basic research.

@Tfmonkey @NEETzsche @37712 @DoubleD @Stahesh
I think it's fine to vote for anyone at this point, might as well. That being said, why would a serious candidate who couldn't defeat fraud while he was President, run again as if nothing happened? And why would the FBI kill someone who clearly would rather sell out than die for the country? Besides operation warpspeed, the money he gave to GAVI (Bill Gates) and all the other bad things he did, he also "stands with Israel". No reason to kill him.

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