
@Tfmonkey @shortstories I hate the Termanology dog whistle that’s stupid liberal talk, Meaning we have no proof of anything so let’s make some shit up

@Scubbie @shortstories I already blocked the entire instance of "" so they won't be bothering us anymore.

@Tfmonkey @Scubbie

I actually enjoy them calling me Nazis and I was disappointed that I could not reply to their comment which it said no longer existed

Some people try to make the Jehovah witnesses leave

Others like me try to make the Jehovah Witnesses stay and the Jehovah Witnesses want to leave

@shortstories @Scubbie I blocked the entire instance of "" so that's why you can't respond to them.

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey

I am a little disappointed if they can not prove that I am a Nazi with my posts.

I am not a Nazi and do not support the extermination of people on the basis of Jewish ancestry.

None the less I am disappointed for having failed to point out the plot of people of some people of the Jewish religion to exterminate and enslave gentiles sufficiently

That you would say there is no proof that I am a Nazi

Also I posted that the country of England committed the holocaust

@shortstories @Scubbie They don't mean you're an ACTUAL nazi, but you are not a communist, so you're a not-C.

@Tfmonkey @shortstories @Scubbie I started out just a not-c but after I started studying history… their baseless accusations became accurate statements.

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @shortstories likely projection on their part. Not because they are secretly far right, but almost every leftist speech is layered in euphemisms and word games to obscure the hidden meaning. So they assume that is the same with those on the right.

Jonathan Haidt found in his studies that the left were the worst at guessing how others think when those on the right and the center were more accurate. Which confirms a lack of critical thinking and empathy on their part.

@houseoftolstoy @Scubbie @Tfmonkey @shortstories that shit got on my nerves and i began playing my own word game in retaliation, it also really helps with the tism and not knowing how to speak normally


The concept "dog whistle" is the result of Progressive narcissism and psychoanalytic pretentiousness.

"Oh, I know what you really meant by that. And I know you better than you do."

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