History is pretty clear on the fact that jews only know to kick their host in the knee 'till it collapse, and have no real plan beyond that, no idea about how to even capitalize on it, and are even pretty garbage at even detecting when the collapse will happen on their face.
They just flee everywhere they can, use the collapse they created as a sob story to get inside the next host, and repeat - all with no real final plan, just to sabotage everything constantly.

Once they get rid of whites, they will probably go extinct.
Only whites are kind and trustful enough for this kind of antic to work, and jews can't operate a functional society by themselves, in isolation they have even more dysfunctional than women.


>they will probably go extinct.

That's highly unlikely.

2 black people can make a white baby. It happens everyday.

Nature's biodiversity wouldn't allow for the extinction of any race barring nuclear war.

>Only whites are kind and trustful enough

There is no evidence that your race makes you more kind or trustful.

it all comes down to your genetic personality traits like Agreeableness and openness to new experiences.

Superior Bloodlines > Superior Race


@basedbagel, your take here is retarded. By your own "bloodline" argument you would have to conclude that Jews are genetically predisposed to what all other peoples across history have defined as massively dysfunctional.

They are what they are.

@VooDooMedic, the big differences this time around:

* they have a country to fuck off back to now, but they won't unless forced.

* they have run out of hosts. The internet means their bullshit is forever documented.

@UncleIroh @VooDooMedic

>your take here is retarded

No it isn't. It's a solid evidence-backed hypothesis.

>you would have to conclude that Jews are genetically predisposed

I don't have to conclude anything until I finish 200 years together.

Without any peer reviewed studies I don't know what compels the Jews to do what do they do.

I just want them to stop killing people Palestine and fucking with our $$ supply.

@basedbagel @VooDooMedic

It's an open secret in academia that the peer review system is a corrupt joke. Even in STEM.

Here's something everyone can do without being spoonfed by experts:

Study philosophy & religion, the components of a worldview, who believes what, what those beliefs have lead to historically, what actions and prescriptions do they lead people to make today, etc..

@UncleIroh @VooDooMedic

I was being tongue and cheek about peer-reviewed sources it's a destiny reference.

Everything else I stand on though.

My thesis was to judge people on their own individual merits.

If you want to believe in superior races that's fine but I then I' believe in superior bloodlines and I have more evidence on my side.

@basedbagel @UncleIroh what are bloodlines? A combination of good genes. what do good genes form together? a race of people. what is the best? most successful race of people, the white race

@VooDooMedic @UncleIroh

>most successful race of people, the white race

Maybe this is because you're in australia but in North America Most white people suck ass.

They're obese, drugged out, lazy, unreliable stubborn conformist normies.

My theory is 80% of people suck and are a drag on the human race as a whole.

5% are exceptional and the rest are okay.

I would rather exterminate the bottom 50% than have a race war.

But it's cool we can agree to disagree.

@basedbagel @UncleIroh agreed for the most part I will agree to the extermination part ultimately we have become weak but saying that an entire race is weak because of the dregs is elevating the trash way too high another white person problem we see the worst in ourselves and the best in others

@VooDooMedic @UncleIroh

>we see the worst in ourselves and the best in others

This is only because of the demoralization propaganda.

And trust me if they successfully take out white people they won't stop there.

It's critical we put our differences aside to take out the elite or we're all done for.

@VooDooMedic @basedbagel @UncleIroh

It is so cringeworthty when people who have NO connection or are so removed from an event or accomplishment take credit for it.
The second cunt is the same as the Blacks who claim ptsd for slavery.

@sardonicsmile @VooDooMedic @basedbagel @UncleIroh

The welfare tax system has encouraged the least intelligent among the black people to reproduce at a faster rate then would be possible without it

Since it is more difficult for White people who are not Jews and Shabbos Goyim to get that welfare

And due to various other environmental factors each generation of black people becomes stupider at a faster rate than for Whites

Welfare may change the genetic distribution of racial populations

@shortstories @sardonicsmile @basedbagel @UncleIroh don't forget the mass importation of immigrants and retards to just shit up welfare as well I'm all for abolishing welfare but holy fuck get rid of the immigrants

@VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile @basedbagel @UncleIroh

Deport all Male Muslim immigrants to Israel

Keep all female Muslim immigrants

Imprison all Jewish immigrants and put them in forced re-education camps where they learn to have Jewish guilt for all the atrocities Jews have done

We can not risk expelling them only to have them come back again

Never deport illegal immigrant criminals. Give violent illegal immigrant criminals life sentences so that they can not come back to the country again

@shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

@basedbagel , It should be clear by now to every man that immigration is a weapon aimed at them specifically, and their families indirectly.

A man that does not see this has no survival instinct.

Women's views should absolutely be ignored on this issue.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

>immigration is a weapon aimed at them specifically

Tell me more. I always thought it was just a band-aid to keep the welfare state going since we weren't having enough kids.

@basedbagel @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

I'll state this as clearly as I can - we're at war inside our own countries. A cold war, but still a war.

"..all enemies, foreign and domestic". The last part, domestic.

Immigration is just one of many deniable weapons used. If you cannot see how illegally importing millions of fighting age men is not treason I don't know what to tell you.

Protecting the people from invasion is literally the 1st duty of any government.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

Ok I see what you're saying now.

I just didn't see it that way.

I'm staunchly against illegal immigration because it's a slap in the face to those that wait years to do it properly.

@basedbagel @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

Pork barrel politics - policy bills are carefully designed to slipstream as many profit-making initiatives that would otherwise be opposed through at once.

Pork-barrelling is also the perfect weapon for a government that needs to hide that it's at war with it's own people.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

>Pork barrel politics

Ngl the phrase made me LOL

>perfect weapon for a government that needs to hide that it's at war with it's own people.

I like to think our gov is compromised by the satanic pedo commie elite and they don't actually agree with this fuckshit they're just have their hands tied because they're blackmailed.

@basedbagel @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

Sure, they're blackmailed and compromised. I'd also wager that most of them are also satanic pedos. Mutual blackmail is how hollywood and politics works.

Both majority Jewish.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile I looked it up and they are overrepresented in both.

Man you are gonna find a WAY to get on the jews lol.

I could tell you my phone is cracked and you'd tell me that a jewish phone manufacturer lobbied to make a type of smartphone screen more prone tno cracking so they could make more $ of new phone sales to fund their evil deeds. lol.

@basedbagel @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

I just don't see how any of this is a surprise, or contentious.

It's like being offended that lions will eat you and your family when all you wanted was to just pet the big furry kitty cat.

"Yes, but there's this dude who keeps lions and they're really cool."

OK buddy, go pet the big furry kitty cat.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

It's not that I'm shocked anymore it's just that your uncanny ability to jump into ANY conversation and somehow tie it into jewish malfeasance is a bit funny to me.

@basedbagel @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

I am equally amused at your unlimited naivite.

"This time it will work! Here kitty kitty .."

@UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

Fair enough but I'm not naive I just prefer to see the good in people.

People never gave me the benefit of the doubt so I'm trying to be the change I want to see in the world.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

Bro the unabomber?! I don't know where you find these wild memes lol

The unabomber is a perfect example of why being high IQ isn't enough.

I get that he was a MKULTRA victim but sending bombs to random ass people does not help your case.

@Scubbie @UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

You must still be mad about the flag to go 20+ posts down about a completely different issue lol but its fine I'll bite

Sending bombs to ANYONE for any reason is unhinged and stupid AF if you're not a nation state.

All he did was make anyone who sympathizes with his beliefs look crazy.

Typical southern attitude of "If I agree with the ideology I'll ignore anything even flagrant human rights abuses, treason and murder"

@basedbagel @UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile Your exsistance is a meme your unleavened hole is ripe with stench and corruption your buzz words for the algorithms are obvious my heritage is my strength I harbor no anger for any man,You mentioned uncle Ted I only spoke from my reality,you sip milk why I drink the wine of wisdom

@Scubbie @UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

>Your exsistance is a meme

And a damn good one at that. I'm a proud pastry.

>Your unleavened hole is ripe with stench

You attack the pastry because my arguments are unassailable.

> I drink the wine of wisdom

If that were true you'd agree with me instead of insulting me.

The southern mindset of ignoring the damage people do because you agree with them led our current dystopia. it's borderline psychotic and has to stop.

@Scubbie @UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

Like I said ad hominem is all you got because you know I'm 100% right.

All this confederate flag bullshit and racial superiority is no different than we wuz kangz for black people.

Both groups REFUSE to accept reality and bitch about old shit.

Confederate soldiers were still recognized as veterans and got benefits up until 2012.

You were allowed back into the union with open arms yet you STILL bitch and for what?

@Scubbie @UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

I can't think of ANY other treasonous group in history that wast treated with such kid gloves.

The civil war was the BLOODIEST in US history killing way more people than 9/11 but those treasounos people can go to gitmo because they're not the superior race right?


You caused needless bloodshed and tore the US in 1/2. All we ask is you put the flag down and join us and you STILL refuse.

So ungrateful and stubborn!

@basedbagel @UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile I would like to meet you in person for a nice cup of tea, and som scones.look you in the eye and watch your narrative run down your legs in a puddle of shame.

@Scubbie @UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

Typical southerner. I was very respectful and were rude af every step of the way for no good reason.

So idc anymore no more mr nice bagel.

The south are the biggest SORE LOSERS in history!

This is why you shouldn't be kind to the treasonous, they never let shit go and drag your nation down.

>I would like to meet you in person

I'm not scared of LOSERS of wars.
Meet me in person and I'll finish what Sherman started.

@Scubbie @UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

>why did you bring the south

Because I know 1st hand that you are ALL THE SAME.

Stubborn as hell and stuck in your ways with ossified minds incapable of making sense.

>you argue like a liberal

Anyone who reads this will just see a pastry making logical arguments while you ignore them and insult me.

Hence why I said typical southerner.

You only like ted because of his ideas and he's white. If Ted was black you'd say:

@Scubbie @UncleIroh @shortstories @VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile

I know for a FACT if Ted was any other race but white you'd say

"See I told you bagel (xyz race not white) is PRONE to violence no matter what.

It just goes to show you the only way a non-white race can make their point is with violence.

This guy ted was a mathemetician but that didn't stop his warror gene from kicking in and killing the innocent whites.

But you liberals are never gonna get it until it's too late"

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