Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted

Don't let your memes be dreams.

"Okay, but how would you feel if you didn't graze on some grass this morning?"

Stahesh boosted

Christians are the same people who, when the Vikings raided and pillage, they converted and their sins were forgiven, damned the innocents they murdered.

Christians are the same people who like, cheat and steal and then convert and " THE ARE FREE AND SINLESS. "

but the actual good person gets screwed by God. cuz God needs a cult of personality, nor hobos and peasants.

Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted

its not that the Brown people is just taking your resources, THEY CONQUERED YOU CULTURELY, it's their resources no.

Stahesh boosted

am sorry but, how are Jews who are willing to NUKE you, pussies? cuz right now the Jews are in control of this relationship.

Hell, they don't even get shamed when the men have standards with woman. Halsey the moment his wife gets out of line, he can put her in her place.

Stahesh boosted

Just a reminder that the ADL thinks you're a terrorist for going your own way.

Stahesh boosted


The mountains of cope was epic.

I'm glad TFM just let him run on tbh. Hearing him attempt to play whack-a-mole on every issue made me laugh. I just wish the yakety-sax music was playing in the background while he did his absurd ass-covering routine.

Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted

@Stahesh While they are not outright removing the feature (it is being changed an option rather than a requirement for women to make the first move now), I have wonder what they are thinking because the "women approach first" was the defining feature of Bumble. What is the point when they will basically now be just another dating app like all the others? Because I assume most women will select to have men do the approaching.

Stahesh boosted

I wasn’t originally going to vote because it doesn’t matter in my state but I might just write in Gypsy Crusader. Because at I know he isn’t swallowing Jew cum. Everyone else is a cuck. Might as well vote for someone whose policies are “deport the niggers, Jews, and faggots”. And he wants to repeal the 19th. He’s perfect.

Stahesh boosted

My financial position always feels better til the bills go through 😔

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