
Serious question:

Why is it that having a sex doll waifu makes me a loser degenerate but all the Nazis gets to have Fumo dolls?

Doesn't seem fair.

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@Tfmonkey Because the Nazis aren't cumming inside their fumos*

*disputed claim :disputed:

@Tfmonkey Some things only make sense to retards, so we gotta let it go. I just put a little "fukkit" in my tea and Serenity-Now it away. Let 'em lick glass.

@Tfmonkey It doesn't make sense, really. Fumo dolls are Japanese. Nazis' are German Socialists. I thought they despise everything that isn't their culture...? At least think everyone else is beneath them...

@sardonicsmile but the Japanese were allies of the Nazis in WW2, so maybe that counts for something.

@Tfmonkey @sardonicsmile This Anthropologist video is an eye opening view of the Ainu people from Japan that might explain the Nazi connection

@Tfmonkey You are monkey that escaped your cage. If this were Sweden we would have taken you out LOL. Be happy with your sex dolls. I bet those Monkeys 🐒 I'm Sweden wish they had freedom and sex dolls


It's all about avoiding good faith discussion.

They need something to dismiss you with so they don't have to engage with your arguments.

ex. "TWRA?! Sounds like someone who fucks dolls would say you InCeL!

Sex dolls are just are just the easiest thing they can find to shut you up.

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