@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey Actual genocide appreciator here. Yes, finish them off. No refugees allowed.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey
You do know Israel has already planned to send them to Europe, right? Don't worry, you'll have plenty of refugees once they're done with Gaza. And it won't stop there either.
If you're a "genocide appreciator" then you'll appreciate Israel's plan for you.
Now, if like me, you only enjoy watching the genocide of your enemy and not your own, then you'll want Iran to do something.

Unless of course, you're a zionist, like Halsey, but odds are, it's just ignorance.

@Based_Accelerationist @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

It's odd that people cheering on Israel don't realize that Jews would rain down genocide on us in a heartbeat if they had us under Gaza-like control.

It's like people cooing over the cute lion-cub that will one day tear them limb from limb.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Apparently he is aware of it lol.
I think it's overconfidence. Most conservatives keep talking about how they're going to win and that the globalists are losing (somehow). Even TFM sometimes claims that they're "stupid" and will lose in the end. But how can we claim such things, when there's so much going on behind the scenes that we don't know? And it's becoming increasingly clear that we have no idea what the plan is, as every prediction is proven wrong.

@Based_Accelerationist @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

> it's becoming increasingly clear that we have no idea what the plan is, as every prediction is proven wrong.

this is a bigger problem than people like to admit.

TFM does a good job of positing possible future scenarios and explaining his reasoning; as he says

"building a rational picture based on limited data and making actionable recommendations while admitting that knowledge gaps are subject to change, based on changes on the ground."


@Based_Accelerationist @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

so i appreciate TFM putting himself out there even when it turns out he's wrong. shame most of his fanbois don't understand that this necessarily comes with a large margin of error, but they swallow it verbatim cause fanboi reasons.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Yes, I typically like to see whatbhe postulates and work around seeing what I see as well. Very smart guy and everything in the world makes for a large margin of error.

What is annoying though is that fanboy dicksucking of anyone where their word is gospel. Esp the forever black pill shit. I think it is going to be dire for the west, but bot surprising the world is trying to not die from an imperial collapse/tantrum.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Shit has a time scale of years. Lots will shift. The optimistic part is that the world seemed to have been rushing along some things to build new trade/diplomatic orders and foundations. It is obvious diplomacy won't get the world through this alone. However, the rewriting of doctrines, preparations for wars, and the dissemination of arms will take years.

We shall see and it'll base line be interesting to see what proxy shit happens.

@FinalDresdonation @Based_Accelerationist @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

You also have to entertain that your notion of change over time is based on an outdated, linear model.

There's every reason to believe that we are in an exponential or even logarithmic model of change.

It is at the very least non-linear and under acceleration.

@UncleIroh @FinalDresdonation @Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey
We're already in WW3. The ukraine war was the tipping point that got us here. We've seen a lot of geopolitical movement and activity since then. Things will happen fast. No one can predict what the news will be like this time next year. But next year is in one year. Lot of people want to see new shit happen every single day.

@UncleIroh @FinalDresdonation @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey
Yeah maybe I just have a short attention span and want Michael Bay to direct this war. But you're right, we're off the linear part of the cycle, we're in the endgame already/still

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Yup, he picks up the pieces as best as possible and I hope he is right. But who knows, we're talking about the same masterminds who convinced all these normies to vaccinate themselves lol.
We'll have to wait and see I guess. Eventually something will break, I just hope it's good news for individualism.

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