@VooDooMedic @white_male @doggel @sardonicsmile @shortstories @ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh

This is news to me.

I've never heard of circumcision making a guy's penis smaller.

This guY HAS to be gay to put this much thought into how to cut dicks.

I still wouldn't do it, but assuming we don't do it the fag way to make your dick small I still don't see why I should care about other people's kids getting circumcised.

@basedbagel @VooDooMedic @white_male @doggel @sardonicsmile @ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh

Bagel said, "I still don't see why I should care about other people's kids getting circumcised."

Wikipedia said, "Under Jewish law, mohalim must draw blood from the circumcision wound. Most mohalim do it by hand with a suction device,[9][10][11][12] but some follow the traditional practice of doing it by mouth"


@shortstories @VooDooMedic @white_male @doggel @sardonicsmile @ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh

>Most mohalim do it by hand with a suction device,[9][10][11][12] but some follow the traditional practice of doing it by mouth"


I DO NOT support sucking baby dick!

That is weird ass pedo shit has to go.

I was thinking of the surgical way not this ritualstic degenerate bullshit they try to dress up as a relegious practice

@basedbagel @VooDooMedic @white_male @doggel @sardonicsmile @ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh

Are you going to support putting the orthodox Jews who do it by mouth in jail along with the babies parents if the parents knew the mouth would be used

@VooDooMedic @basedbagel @white_male @doggel @sardonicsmile @ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh

There was someone who claimed to be Jewish

He said he got one of his sons circumcised and the child nearly died and he had to get him to a hospital

After that he no longer got his future son or sons circumcised

I do not remember or know how many sons he had if it was only two or more

He went on a social media platform and posted lots of pictures about circumcision and anti circumcision content

@shortstories @VooDooMedic @white_male @doggel @sardonicsmile @ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh

That's a tough one.

In principle i agree but that's a MASSIVE tax burden on me putting all these babies in foster care.

Ah decisions, decisions

@basedbagel @VooDooMedic @white_male @doggel @sardonicsmile @ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh

Let people adopt them cut funding from public schools and people who want people to believe their religion will adopt children

Whatever religion is the most generous with adoption will win the ideology war

They can also give the children to other relatives as long as those relatives are not thrown in jail

Eventually someone can choose a left over not thrown in jail person to adopt the children

@basedbagel @VooDooMedic @white_male @doggel @sardonicsmile @ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh

The cost of foster care plus the cost of imprisoning an orthodox Jew

is less than

the cost of letting an orthodox Jew go free and paying for all the things they use their Jewish influence to trick the taxpayers into paying for

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