@VooDooMedic This is what happens when women are allowed to talk without permission
@VooDooMedic As if men aren't useless parasites unless they are constantly coddled, rewarded and fawned over. 95% of you are genetic dead ends and absolutely worthless.


@yishengqingwa666 @VooDooMedic Why do you say that, especially the "genetic dead end" comment? You have no idea which of us are parents. Furthermore, you did not add anything meaningful with your implied generalization that males are parasites.

@yishengqingwa666 alright then whore, prove to me you and any other women can make good genetic choices and I'll concede to your point, oh and a obligatory you will never be a real women, nigger, and lastly, fuck you. And if you're not a tranny and a just a cis man I hope she sees this bro this will really get you laid....

@mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @DoubleD

Get a load of this shit lip

@VooDooMedic @yishengqingwa666 You just encountered spinster.xyz just block/mute the whole instance and move on.

Talking to them is futile. They're basically just an inverted mirror version of the most bitter incels, but with half the IQ since they're women.

Leave them to their cats and wine.

@VooDooMedic @yishengqingwa666 yes, spinster.xyz is an instance for femcel cat ladies.

Just block them and leave them in peace. You can't punish them any more than they have already punished themselves.

@Tfmonkey @yishengqingwa666 "you can't punish them more then they already punish themselves" god I love that line

@yishengqingwa666 @VooDooMedic - Well, this made me laugh.

I wish I could be a fly on the wall when the realization dawns. 🤔😂

@YoMomz @yishengqingwa666 it's either a roastie, a tranny, or a white knight either way, reddit is that way fuck off

@Stahesh @mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic @YoMomz I just read some of the articles on yishengqingwa666's mastadon page not the least of which is the description which says "Mean old radfem nerd."

@VooDooMedic @Stahesh @mrhorsetwat @YoMomz Additionally, I looked at one of the studies that this female posted to attempt to advocate that male and female brains are different: pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas

They conclude that "Such a distinction would be possible only if sex/gender differences in brain features were highly dimorphic (i.e., little overlap between the forms of these features in males and females) and internally consistent (i.e., a brain has only “male” or only “female” features)."

@VooDooMedic @Stahesh @mrhorsetwat @YoMomz This is the trick: Analyze the differences between the M/F brains, which do clearly exist if you look at the data included, and declare that they have "little overlap" or say they aren't "highly dimorphic."

They even said "It is therefore more appropriate and informative to refer to measures of the brain in quantitative ways," but they disingenuously use subjective measurements like "little" and "highly" to describe the difference in the abstract.

@mrhorsetwat @YoMomz @yishengqingwa666 HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH everyone point and laugh Hahahahaahahahaahahaah

@yishengqingwa666 @VooDooMedic Most dudes arent the top 5% you fawn over and throw you off the cock carousel cause you hit the weight limit. Most of us get assraped by taxes and contribute in keeping this dogshit society going.

@VooDooMedic No. You hate the simps that arrest you for slapping them when they think theyre the shit.

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