
just fyi:
- bolsheviks = jews
- troskists = jews
- marxists = jews
- social gospel = jews(yep, look into it)
- frankfurt school = jews
- cultural marxism = jews
- banking, education, media, entertainment, porn, government... = jews

How did it take you this long to figure out that it was the jews all along

@37712 @Tfmonkey That's a bold claim! Can I see your sources? Was Mao also a Jew?

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey Mao was not a jew, communism was pushed into china by communist jewish russia at the time. I also dont have a study or source to prove that water is wet but I also make the claim that water is wet.

@37712 @Tfmonkey It's one thing to say that water is wet or that George Washington was a president of the US, but if you're going to make a claim like "social gospel = jews" I want to see some evidence.

@DoubleD @37712 The German Christians who started the Social Gospel Movement used Old Testament names (the Amish do this as well), and retards think that makes them Jews.

I shit you not. I've had enough conversations with these retards to know that's what he's going to say.

@Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712 Nigga unironically compared his claims about jews to objective scientific facts about water.

Being racist is one thing. Being retardedly racist to the point where you look like a fucking clown takes effort.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews

It's just jews all the way down. All inconveniences were invented by jews. It's never anyone else's fault. It's all just jews.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

That all you got buddy?

Actual academic studies and papers with sources vs your shit-covered spergism tongue up TFM's butthole.

Tell it to Mount Hitler.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

You can not trust what the media says because it is managed by Jews & has pro Jewish bias

How do I know the mainstream media and the mainstream social media websites are managed by Jews?

Mainstream media articles that say it is managed by Jews

What if those mainstream media articles are written by non Jewish people framing the Jews for owning the mainstream media?

Then I say you can not trust the media because of it's anti Jewish bias

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

Logically, mainstream media cannot be trusted. either way.

Still, I would like to see a 2023 data-visualization that depicts at minimum 80% of all media employment - i.e that includes MSM + alt-media like Fox, CNN, Tim Pool, Jack Dore, etc..) - AND breaks it down by race/religion/citizenship.

Now do the same for Hollywood/Netflix/Amazon Video.

What are the chances that Jews are the majority source of our news and entertainment?


@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

Here is your list of the most powerful people in the United States having a position more powerful than the president with unlimitted money to buy every corporate CEO and politician in the world

If even one is Jewish than the percent of people on that board are greater than the percent of Jews in the United States and also the percent of Jews in thd world


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@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

Technically any position listed on media is not really the most powerful

The most powerful people or sentient beings or individuals will most likely not publicly let people know who they are

So technically I am wrong

But if you believe these people really exist and are not made up characters played by actors on the news media

Then these are the most powerful people in the world

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