
just fyi:
- bolsheviks = jews
- troskists = jews
- marxists = jews
- social gospel = jews(yep, look into it)
- frankfurt school = jews
- cultural marxism = jews
- banking, education, media, entertainment, porn, government... = jews

How did it take you this long to figure out that it was the jews all along

@37712 @Tfmonkey That's a bold claim! Can I see your sources? Was Mao also a Jew?

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey Mao was not a jew, communism was pushed into china by communist jewish russia at the time. I also dont have a study or source to prove that water is wet but I also make the claim that water is wet.

@37712 @Tfmonkey It's one thing to say that water is wet or that George Washington was a president of the US, but if you're going to make a claim like "social gospel = jews" I want to see some evidence.

@DoubleD @37712 The German Christians who started the Social Gospel Movement used Old Testament names (the Amish do this as well), and retards think that makes them Jews.

I shit you not. I've had enough conversations with these retards to know that's what he's going to say.

@Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712 Nigga unironically compared his claims about jews to objective scientific facts about water.

Being racist is one thing. Being retardedly racist to the point where you look like a fucking clown takes effort.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews on top of jews

It's just jews all the way down. All inconveniences were invented by jews. It's never anyone else's fault. It's all just jews.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

That all you got buddy?

Actual academic studies and papers with sources vs your shit-covered spergism tongue up TFM's butthole.

Tell it to Mount Hitler.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

You can not trust what the media says because it is managed by Jews & has pro Jewish bias

How do I know the mainstream media and the mainstream social media websites are managed by Jews?

Mainstream media articles that say it is managed by Jews

What if those mainstream media articles are written by non Jewish people framing the Jews for owning the mainstream media?

Then I say you can not trust the media because of it's anti Jewish bias

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

Logically, mainstream media cannot be trusted. either way.

Still, I would like to see a 2023 data-visualization that depicts at minimum 80% of all media employment - i.e that includes MSM + alt-media like Fox, CNN, Tim Pool, Jack Dore, etc..) - AND breaks it down by race/religion/citizenship.

Now do the same for Hollywood/Netflix/Amazon Video.

What are the chances that Jews are the majority source of our news and entertainment?

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

There was a word limit

I mean the percentage of people who are Jewish in certain positions of power is greater than the percentage of the population that is Jewish

Also not all people who have a Jewish parent are super evil beyond the evil of a average gentile or average so called Christian

But the percent at a certain degree of evil or higher who are Jewish is greater than that for Christians and gentiles

Should not hate all Jews

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

I don't hate Jews. We have an accurate description of their ability and thus can apply suitable prescriptions.

It is very simple. Jews as a collective minority within a host nation are a historically-proven net negative.

They are uniquely destructive.

Act accordingly & apply restrictions to their collective wealth, power & influence, or else suffer the proven historical costs.

In & of itself, this should by now be a universal truth.


@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

Actually if you just applied the same rules to Women, Jews and Blacks and Muslims as you do to Whites, Gentiles, Males, Christians and people of other religions and did not give them a special free pass for bad behavior because of their race, religion or gender

Those groups would be arrested more than other groups as a percent of their population until they learn they can not get away with crime anymore

But after that they would be fine

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@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

No, the rules are not universal.

I describe Jews as uniquely destructive for good reason. No other collective voting group - women, blacks, muslims - per-capita, have EVER achieved nearly the same amount of wealth, power and influence than Jews.

And that doesn't account for the amount of power & influence Jews have played in the voting groups of women and blacks, FOR THEIR OWN ENDS.

"Equality" ethics is cancer. Don't be fooled.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

The primary means they use to achieve these ends are fraud, theft, violence, kidnapping

Outlaw these four things for everyone and Jews will have no tools to achieve destructive ends

Of course I have very specific meanings of each of these words and what qualifies as a violation of each of these four things

Jews can not achieve greater percent of power without those four tools and they can not get away with such crimes without power

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

> The primary means they use to achieve these ends are fraud, theft, violence, kidnapping

These are actions, not behaviors. I would characterise things on the behavioral level.

They are in love with their cleverness (Narcissism), enamored of their ability to deceive and manipulate (Machiavellianism), and proud of their talent for destruction (Psychopathy).

By definition these are Dark Triad traits and give rise to the actions you list.

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

Let me put it another way.

If all the races/countries/religions were actual people, then the Jew in the room would be a different type of person than the American, Candian, Mexican, Norwegian, etc..

The Jew would be someone you kept tabs on, and for good reason. Their past behavior would ensure that.

Just make rules accordingly.


@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

Let's assume as you claim a higher percent of Jews are psychopaths or sociopaths than other races and religions

But people can also lie and say they are not Jews

And people can lie and say other people are Jews

There might be a small percent of Jews that are not psychopaths / sociopaths

& a small percent of non Jews that are psychopaths / sociopaths

Is a additional solution for Jews required than for other psycho/socio paths

Watch Jews?

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

You don't have make those judgments against individuals, just the group.

i.e. no dual citizenship. legal limits on official power and on the ability for their billionaire donor class to buy politicians and laws, etc..

Malaysia has a version of it called bumiputera. Without it, they know the Chinese part of their population would have taken complete control by now. Singapore also actively protects itself from sedition, whoever tries it.

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

As for identifying them, there are hundreds of ways we disclose our ethnicity to the state and are approved or denied services on that basis, e.g.specific medical treatment for your ethnicity, no flight lists (e.g. N Koreans), armed forces or intelligence security clearance, the list goes on.

DNA testing barriers, we do the same thing for drugs all the time. And there's a reason ancestry kits can say you're 50% Jewish, 50% Irish etc...

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

From what I understand

At least in the past and possibly the present they do not actually look at the entire DNA code as a sequence instead tbey look at little pieces and the order can be scrambled

It would be like taking a binary sequence and rearranging the order and then saying it matches another sequence or does not match another sequence all based on where you cut and paste the segments and the result you want

Do not trust DNA tests

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

I did a DNA experiment for biology class

They never showed me any evidence DNA exists

Just told me to do things and take measurements of how far fragments inside a solution supposedly traveled based on some electromagnetic thing

We were then supposed to calculate the relative length and molecular weight of the fragments compared to other fragments

It was so long ago I do not remember all the details

But I do remember I lost faith in DNA

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

You might have to add trespassing to the list of violence, fraud, theft and kidnapping as a required prohibition although it might fit under those four depending on definitions

Anyway banning Jews from certain communities in certain geographic regions would be necessary

But anyone should have the equal right to start a community that bans people groups

Some might call that inequality but I call that the equal right to ban trespassers

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