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Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Blackrock commercial filmed at alleged shooter's school.

You can see him at 0:03 and 0:19
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted

The weird thing about this photo is that it looks like they're trying really hard to make Big Mike look shorter than he is.

Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.