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Neurological effects to blast trauma; to the brain. Repeated exposure to high yield ordinance.

"Only the dead see the end of War."
- George Santayanna

@Tfmonkey where can I find the link to the study that shows that the covid vaccine causes shingles.

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Karuros boosted

While I'm done debating with leftists, I find it fun to gaslight them into making sense of their ideology.

A few months ago there was a shooter that tried identifying as non binary to get a reduced sentence and the LGBT hated it.

This re surged after the Tennessee shooting and I just threw: Why would you be LGBT? It's horrible and you get a target on your back from hate groups just for being true to yourself in public. If anything, use white privilege to avoid charges.

I'm getting updoots lol

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Karuros boosted

@Tfmonkey I know you said you were over the whole Destiny "debate," but if you have not seen this, it should further confirm that debating the likes of Destiny is a waste of time.

Yes, you heard that right. Destiny needs an article to tell him what to think instead of determining the meaning that is plain as day in front of him. What a tool.

has a pump action shotgun just like @Tfmonkey , he is also a business man and the girl he likes has the body tipe of celestina

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Watching desert punk today, for some reason I cant stop imagining that @Tfmonkey is the main protagonist, for real the guy is clever, but short and funny, so it kind of fits.

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My god... the Entitlement is staggering.
The Only thing you can do is: let her do it. See how effortlessly she backs down *multiple* men, with 3X the strength. Not to mention the business owner. Just by taking a step towards them!
How many men can intimidate someone else like that?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.