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I wonder why this one video game reviewer gets so much hate. Probably for the same reason he has one of the few channels worth watching on youtube.

Americans are completely retarded now.

Courts uphold every law and Americans say that courts protect freedom.

The US is a police state, everything is illegal, and Americans scream that the police don't enforce the law enough.

“If they’re Black, then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob,” “But if they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it.”

Dave Chappelle

The following two claims are coming claimed by people on merovingian club

1 the government rigs the vote and the voting numbers are fake

2 Women tend to vote in a way that people in Merovingian club do not want them to vote

If claim 1 is true then how can you have measurements to know that claim 2 is true?

Also if claim 1 is true then why does it matter how women vote?

Here is a good channel that isn't a thrid world retarded commies Qtarding about BRICS (like pepe escobar saying oct 7th is a trap by BRICS to destroy the GAE) and retarded neocons shills and \k\tards jerking off to America's garbage tech.

They are pro Russia obviously, but they don't bullshit and call out their govt and actually give you what is going on the ground. With a bit of philosophy that will interset you.

What is going in Kursk tho, it's basically cat and mouse game where hohols (slur for ukros meaning pigs) are small units of 7 to 11 guys riding hummves and going to empty town\village taking selfies and then leaving to the next town or fuckoff to the woods to create the illusion of large invading force, well for the lucky hohols who don't run to Russian army units cuz they either die immediately or surrender like these hohols
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Trump says it was definitely Iran behind the hack on his campaign. Just like it was Iran behind the staged assassination attempt.

Just know that, no matter who you vote for, war with Iran is on the menu, the only question you have to ask yourself is, do I want an unlikable puppet in the White House, or one that can actually rally his supporters and trick them into falling for false flags?

"Argentina’s Security Ministry has launched an artificial intelligence unit that it says will predict future crimes and help prevent them.”

Oh look, more tyranny! And this time it's coming from the obvious controlled opposition Javier Milei, that EVERYONE in the Alt-Right hypes up as a hero.

How long until people understand that Trump, Milei, Putin and every other one of these right-wing heroes are Jewish puppets?

hour 1:04 He shows the kosher symbols that often are placed on products.

So If you buy products with these symbols you support the jews and you don't even know it.

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this is very bad. iran should have nuked them out of this universe already


Here is video from someone who recommend it here.

min 00:37 someone talks how jews came and most of them did not know how to drive and when they were stopped by cops they tried to bribe them.

PEAK JEW MOMENT :happyjewishmerchant:

So apparently Putin's mother is Jewish...

Wish I could confirm the legitimacy of this document, but this sure explains Putin's actions, such as his obsession with "Neo-Nazis", the story he told about growing up in a Jewish family, his small hat trips to Israel and his connections to Chabad Lubavitch.

There's a reason why all the "Alt Media" controlled opposition, like Alex Jones, is shilling Brics and Putin, because they're kosher.

Rabbi says Donald Trump is anointed as God's messiah to serve Israel.

Don't let Benjamin Netanyahu lie us into another war!

Rare news reports of Osama Bin Laden denying responsibility for 9/11.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.