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It's like when the bad guy switches sides and joins forces with the good guys.

MEANWHILE, you have a leftist game out now that took its name so seriously that it killed itself at launch.

Very impressive.

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Member of our government posted what I would call a certified "shieeeet" moment.

@DoubleD @philosophy @Tfmonkey no explanation needed. Just say chad yes. The "cope" yelling is just a thought terminating cliche. Like calling someone a cuck. It's not an entry to a discussion, it's just an insult. By engaging the cope spouters, you reaffirm their accusation further because it looks like you're coping harder with rationalizations.


Also, @VooDooMedic, this is relevant to your interests.

@DoubleD You should know by now merely speaking ill of the great and holy and objectively morally correct state of israel is enough to be called an anti-semite. So, if merely negative sentiments about israel or jews qualifies, and people are riled up about what israel is doing, you don't really need to sniff around for definitive evidence to conclude that there's rising antisemitism.

The funniest lyric is when he says, "I asked myself what would Ben do."

Ben is a dual citizen israel first kike. We know where his loyalties lie.

@Tfmonkey @FinalDresdonation
I have listened to the Doom (+ Eternal) soundtrack enough times to conclude this is superior to BFG division.

@UncleIroh saw this yesterday on xwitter. A simplified theory to explain this: men increasingly resent the rigged, feminized, anti-male nature of society, while women embrace their societal privileges, follow the current thing (which is set by the left-wing government), and are increasingly being rejected by masculine men and doubling down on their feminism.

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey the feds are supposed to do something by end of day, so we shall see... tomorrow.

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey Pretty interesting "bait" if it's optically very bad for the Biden admin and helps Trump and republicans.

Something interesting happened. About 10 FBI glowies put their names on a letter talking about the significant national security risk posed by an influx of military aged men who aren't south american (some of whom are on a terror watchlist). They claim some are chinese & russian agents here to attack infrastructure. They reference the october 7 attack twice. They're advocating for border security, as opposed to what Biden is doing. Actual fedboys said this openly. What do you think @Tfmonkey?

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