Investment company shorted Trump's company day before assassination attempt. What do you make of this @Tfmonkey? Is this a ridiculously huge bet to make conveniently a day before the shooting?
@UncleIroh as an atheist I'm happy to play along because it's fucking funny.
I found these comments in a Hasan Piker video.
The plot of Donald Trump has been declared necessary by the universe itself. He has been deemed essential to this timeline.
@CheshireHuman @Tfmonkey I take it TFM thinks creatine is sus or something. Not only is it legit and natural, it's safe as fuck. 5 grams a day, and you're good. It's also not very expensive.
@DoubleD @VooDooMedic I'm more concerned about the autonomy statement. If a woman said that and then demanded marriage, I'd invite her to a bull fighting spectacle so that giant red flag would get the bull to jump into the audience to impale her.
What most people don't know is that there was more than one sniper squad. The one everyone can clearly see wasn't the one that killed the shooter. It was the other squad 400 meters away from a better vantage point that could batter see the angle the shooter was laying on.
It was the cops. Dirty cops paid off by glow niggers purposely didn't do their job to let the sniper on the roof.
The FBI also painted the ladder yellow like how they do in video games nowadays. Gotta make sure the shooter knows how to play the game.
@UncleIroh these faggots are lucky in one simple way: the right isn't as bloodthirsty as leftists. Once they issue their apology they'll be left alone after a bit. The left, in contrast, will hound a motherfucker until they kill themselves.
@mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic btw the first image is actually a still living twitter troll who Sam Hyde'd himself and got a lot of attention which he later regretted. He learned that only professionals like Sam should take credit for terrorism and assassinations. He can handle it.