@Tfmonkey You should move the show to Monday morning. Everyone is off work, the kiddos and the drug users are sleeping in.

@Tfmonkey I download Purple Celestina. This shit actually works. This is going to be very helpful as an assistant alone.

@Pain66 Women can smell men having fun and they don't like it

@kaiservenom @Tfmonkey I just watched it. it was decent. jerks your tears off a bit as most pixar films do their best to do. It's not something that's gonna change your life or anything. I suppose give it a watch if you have nothing better to do.

I do nofap because I like the energy boost and aggression. I tend to binge porn and get depressed and lazy when I do. I mean not get shit done for a week or two depressed and lazy. Maybe if I got to sub 15% body fat that wouldn't be so much of a problem. I weigh 240 lb (108 kg) and I'm 5'9". If I could watch porn and jerk off and have no adverse effects I would. I certainly could get an olympic medal in it, like Kuroi. Maybe not a gold but at least a silver.

youtu.be/DBG1Wgg32Ok the video is fucking cringe and the comments section is cringe. But a historical artifact none the less

Darth_Bob boosted

@basedbagel It's only a loss if you don't learn from it. Otherwise it's a LESSON.

@Tfmonkey @philosophy as far as I know hermeticism, western esotericism is very syncretic, borrows heavily from the east, paganism, Christianity, judaism when it suits them and the doctrine transforms. Sufism is a great example of using the dominant religion as a skin to hide your inner teachings. The consistent theme with all of them is the consciousness developing practices.

@Tfmonkey meditation is a good way to start that, as well as consciously sorting out those categories.

Darth_Bob boosted

I don't know who needs to hear this today, but the secret to life is letting go of things that are outside of your control.

You're welcome.

@dander I believe it was romaine and breakfast sausage with three over easy eggs cut open over the top. The yolk is a sauce. Threw some shredded cheese and olive oil on top of that. Powder garlic and onion on the meat. As for the keyboard, no clue

@basedbagel from what I can tell most people assume you know what time it is from where they're calling. It never crossed my mind until I had to actively translate

@FinalDresdonation @Tfmonkey If I knew the state of things and had no ability to restrain the civilian government in its money printing that's what I would do. Economic stability and production is essential to military functioning. Or at least *attempt* to give the US enough time to "restructure" and reform based on the real data. But this is globohomo we're talking about.

@houseoftolstoy good thing the only thing that makes me happy is books, meditation and music. cheap hobbies

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