@Stahesh @sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey

you will never convince TFM that jews are the problem, he is too busy sucking jew dick

@37712 @Stahesh @sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey I don’t know if he would suck a Jews dick,but he sure let’s Halsey Waller it around in his his monkey mouth while he thinks about it,kinda like the Mormon soaking ritual

@Scubbie @Stahesh @sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey

he is clearly giving in to temptation, I mean the guy already issued a formal apology to the jews hoping it will help him win their favor back and shower him in jew cum

@37712 @Scubbie @Stahesh @sardonicsmile

"Say it's the Jews"

"It is the Jews"

"Stop sucking Jew cock and admit it's the Jews"

"It is the Jews, are you def?"

"Stop letting Halsey control you! Admit it's the Jews!"

"I already said it's the Jews"

"How long has Mossad been controlling you?"

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