@shortstories Islam is doing fine, "Sheikh" is just a former English teacher who gained a little power in global homo Saudi Arabia.
In a traditional society, it's disrespectful to ask if the woman is a virgin. If she isn't, then she shouldn't be on the market in the first place and her family should be held accountable for omitting such an important detail. But from her perspective, as long as nobody knows, the best move is to stay quiet. But yeah, this guy failed Islam.

@Based_Accelerationist @shortstories

Islam has been under a sustained NeoLib "reformation" psyop for decades, just like Orthodox Christianity has.

The only patriarchal religion that has been allowed to go unchallenged is Orthodox Judaism.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist @shortstories Yes, the Muslim religion has been infiltrated and compromised just like any other,the “Cathedral” cult’s tactics is subversion “By Way of deception”,Infiltration their initiates become Zealots so they can manipulate and control.This is Magic,alchemy,all governments and religions have or eventually will be replaced by the ideology of these zealot’s philosophy race doesn’t matter,and they made a pact with demons,for power over earths time stream so..

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist @shortstories Even imprisoned immortals on earth,are still immortals,and space time is their playground,If they give fire to humans they choose to give fire too,those humans have advantage.If they give humans that make a blood sacrifice to them” time travel technology”They have advantage…Mandela affect clown world..I’m just a Schizo go fuck yourself cyberpunk trannies

@DoubleD @UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist @shortstories I don’t understand your interpretation of another way?or new tradition?they control time and the “another way” and “the new tradition” if you manipulate time of the human experience,there is no other way or tradition that the cathedral can’t travel back and subvert.

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