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Some of you guys still don't get it.

Calling out the left's hypocrisy is useless

TFM: never said the n word ever. Banned from shit i didn't even know existed (wtf is trovo?)

Destiny: Openly said the ALL the slurs in the past but he has the right opinion so he's only been banned of twitch.

The left doesn't care about your beliefs as much as they do your COMPLIANCE.

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I actually feel for productive workers (men and women) when they realize how better off unproductive employees have it. Productive people feel betrayed and lied to.

This is why I cherish and treasure recessions and depressions: because the first ones to get mauled by economic reality are the unproductive. Meanwhile, the productive strive and continue to live.

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I'm trying to be grateful and enjoy the time I have with my normie parents but BOY do they make it difficult.

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After years of trying to drag people kicking and screaming to the finish line, I finally understand why Wise men never answered questions directly.

The only way to make people listen is if they find their own way to the answer themselves.

Trying to bully people into success like I used to do is ineffective.

It took me a couple decades to realize this but Hey, better late than never right?

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so i folllow this based Chinese official , many keks to be heard XD

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So, Tradcons get a lot of shit I've noticed. I'd still consider myself one. I am much more individually oriented as one though with my core tenants coming in the form of Strength, Self Sufficiency, and Ownership of oneself. Being religious, but being able to truly follow tenants and being selfless it requires those to be accomplished.

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TIL alot of farmers are nowhere near poor.

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I see plenty of this sort of nonsense with those claiming that Christians should be onboard with whatever progressive-globohomo agenda item they want to force on everyone, often with torturing the interpretation of the Bible. But this is an example of straight up making up context that was never there, which is far worse as it is easy to demonstrate how it is an obvious lie.

Saw the same thing in a pro-gay presentation claiming Jesus "affirmed a gay couple." Wrong!

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Regardless of whether or not you are a Christian, you should at least understand my contention with his absolutely bogus statements about what happened in the Bible. This is supposed to support his premise that abortion is okay with God. Yes, the same God that tells his people not to commit murder is fine with abortion because liars like this want you to conform to the world rather than conform to God's teachings. Oh yeah, there is something in the Bible about that too: Romans 12:2

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Prosecuting attorney is suspended because he referred to the defendant, a child molester, as a "he" instead of his *recently* chosen pronouns.

Hypothetically all of us who follow TFM get transported into a zombie apocalypse world and establish a colony. What is the first thing we do.

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the left is so out of control, the cancelled Pikamee cuz she wanted to play Hogwarts Legacy....

the LGBTQ community will hurt for this.

@Tfmonkey I am curious. Let's assume The West takes a hard shit when the money runs out. Balkanization and all that. What would restore order. I know force will maintain it, but I feel all institutions are going to be so far disbanded it will be kept to local organization w/out big enough security forces.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.