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YouTube | Majora's Mask is One Big Buddhist Metaphor and Here's Why (NEW DISCOVERIES)

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NEVER go into debt for consumer goods.

My MacBook pro was 3700 and I paid 300$ a month and just paid it off.

I was only half retarted because I

1. Never paid a dime of interest thanks to the apple card.

2. Thanks to inflation I paid a little less than if I had bought it in cash up front.

3. My credit score went up paying it back.

But it was still a dumb move.

I should have just waited a year and bought it on used in cash like I do with phones.

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🎊🎆🎊 In celebration 🎊🎇🎊
of America running out of Afghanistan and subsequently getting cucked by the Taliban, I will be posting, here on merovingian, a thread of memes that I stole from Taliban twitter accounts in 2021, which celebrated America's defeat. These are historical artifacts and an important part of internet lore.


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Also, if I were them I would have let the rest of the world chill. Maybe just coordinate on making a stable new currency system in the transition to rule ze world. But mostly let the world grill. Idfk.

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So I've been seeing this NATO tard hitting the rounds. Openly posting Maps (Like the ones of Russia and China) of all the BRICS member states, Nigeria, ect acting like NATO can split them into smaller nations. It is so evident it is over for NATO because this shit is exactly what drove all these economically contingent allies into the arms of Russia and China. War on the World Am I Right lol.

Love passing out (Bc exhausted) only to sleep 3 hours and not be able to fall back asleep.

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So this poor chick was raped by jews as a kid, then suffered a complete psychotic breakdown years later where she's punching herself in the face until she hears voices in her head telling her to cut her tits off and pretend to be a dude and this is being sold to us as a triumphant story of self-discovery?

Our society deserves to die.

I'd make more of the comparison of Vivek (Hypothetically) clearing house more to Constantine clearing out the praetorians and restoring stability to the whole rest of his life. Pretty much one generation t here that was safe in the twilights of the empire.

My wonder now is the 'how' the BRICS currency system will be backed. Obviously local curriencies are being used to not centralize and dodge the dollar. There is news as well that they would be working on a payment system that is not SWIFT to 'strength exchange in local currencies'. They are definitely looking into something digital to bypass US markets. Perhaps it is a digital gold exchange system? Who knows.

At least it looks like they want infrastructure/further US weakness before they put up a full asset backed system.

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So having listened and read more I am not hearing anything on an asset backed currency system having been announced. Though obviously things will gain more traction with oil cornered. However, my thoughts are now that they are going to look at creating/using msrket tooks for alt markets to be made first. My guess being each of these first nations currently let in in addition to BRICS will get these tools to be the centers of trade for their regions on their continents

BRICS boys having lunch. BRICS+ Is a thing officially now. The suez is essentially via land under control/influence. Largest Oil producers of Middle East are in BRICS, Iran w/ their military and market tech is joining officially. As of now they have key players joined. I will slepe before I report more certain news. Very good developments though.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.