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@FinalDresdonation Sorry you wasted your time but those eco fags aren’t capable of logic and reason. They’re only mouthpieces for the marxists who want to nationalize the energy sector

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On top of that treating nuclear like a meme instead of it being an under developed, under utilized, cheap, clean for lm of baseload energy that has the ceiling potential for infinite energy. Obviously that is a long ways off, but the worst of it is storable waste, and mining. Otherwise clean.

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I need to quit interacting with mouth breathing retards that think 'Renewable' energy that requires extremely inefficient use of FINITE REMs, heavy baseload energy to be able to manufacture, and unstable mediocre at best energy in return is all a good idea. All because muh 'climate crisis'. I don't think with malice, but I hope people get what they deserve for their retardation.

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Elon Musk May Have BLOCKED Starlink Access To Ukraine's Military Before Major Attack

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@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey If I heard right Voodoo is doing a one meal a day thing just like fat boy tifum. And he's eating this one meal a day while trying to build muscle. That's a problem.

This isn't a "depends on your body" situation. This is "the reality of muscle building" situation. You're not doing it right.

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When I was doing bodybuilding, I had 5 meals a day. If you try to smash all your protein together, it's going to be too much all at once to handle. If you're just trying to lose and not sculpt, 1 meal a day can work, but you have to be careful that you get sufficient protein for the reasons Buttworldsman listed.
As always, if something ends up working for you, do that.

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I don't think that the powers that be thought through some of the long term consequences of the decisions that they made in destroying the family unit. Whether each aspect of the destruction was deliberate or unintentional, those in power should realize that their policies are destroying families (whether it is biased family courts/divorce laws or welfare policies).

The destruction of the family will mean the downfall of a functional society and instable government.

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Since NPR has been a good barometer for whatever the government wants people to think (because it really just is the government itself, let's not kid ourselves with their supposed "independence"), I do see this as a "we are starting to back down at this point," and I will take any sign as a good one.

They can always push messaging to their midwit audience that "Covid is really bad guys!" once more, but they are at the very least hedging their bets for now.

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On my reconnaissance listening to the libtard propaganda outlet NPR, I heard something that sounded like good news. They were prefacing the reports on "the new strain" as not being as bad as previously thought by "the experts."

This is good news not because I take what government propaganda says at face value, but rather that maybe the powers that be are reconsidering their plans to try and do the lockdowns and mandates again. That is the good news, not the actual bullshit news itself.

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The exploration in Starfield is WORSE than in No Man's Sky. How fucking embarrassing, Todd. Bethesda is an embarrassing company.

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Gotta love sargon's account. Doing the good work of promoting the patriarchal narrative without ever going into the forbidden "permabanned from social media" territory.


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@Tfmonkey Have you seen this movie? It's from 2006. That you when you worked in intel???

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so i bought Ac Valhalla with the season pass, and i find out, IT ONLY HAS THE FIRST YEARS DLC!!! not the shops items nor the Dawn DLC..............

and then they complain about gamers not wanting to pay $70...

i mean i got it for a good price, less then $40 but, with a season pass, you expect all the DLCs

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Shoutout to the based bro who exposed this whore to her fiance. Imagine almost marrying a bitch who has porn of her floating around the internet getting railed by 3 dudes.

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