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It all makes sense now. People struggle with big picture thinking and are easily confused by a couple layers of abstraction.

Martin Shkreli got jailtime for doing what Pfizer does but on a smaller scale.

The student loan finesse goes on because people don't understand basic math.

I don't think it's just that they're scared, but people get deer in the headlights whenever the situation has >1 layer of complexity

So with all the Chemical Plants/Transit happenings lately I wonder if it is serious self inflicted sabotage or we've hit a sort of cyber warfare in terms of the plants. I remember the Solar Winds hack and while people will point out to perhaps it being contracted by domestic parties I'm not entirely sure. There seemed to be a lot of 'harmless' prodding from all parties over the years and I do think some of these things are more than just domestically done.

What I don't get personally is why the US doesn't internally get the population openly geared mentally for war. If I were them I'd do it now and mkae it obvious. It'd allow them to justify security internally. We are already at war, and no matter which regime is in there they'd be screening things like the railcar stuff anyways. But legit most people are ready to believe ir's Russia or they don't do anything. My only guess is they don't do it so much in the event they lose they don't look dumb.

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I got bit by some mosquitos and I'm praying to GOD they haven't bit anyone vaccinated before me.

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I wanma also say that the Globohomo US Imperial Elite are the masters of Holding Frame and Feminism retardation is still crushing them. Still going on with their plans as if geopolitocal realities don't exist and are looking to conquer the dollar system.

Keep Holding Frame I guess.

The only thing going for the West right now is innertia from decades of Meritocracy while their foes were communists. That's all that left. The second the US as it's core with the resources and military might to ship them hits a wall it all falls apart. The industrial capacity is gone, the resources are not invested in, and the global commodities provider base is going to shift and create better economic fundamentals for whoever takes the mantle AND especially if TWRA happens.

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Additionally they contiue to make moves to not be a major supplier on the world stage. Obviously they want this for the west, but it seems to be that they fail to realize that you need those things for Global Power. You nees to be a core to inputs world wide. It's how Russia regained relevancy despite all their issues, and also worked with smart finacing to shield themselves from harsher issues like Demographics. They're certainly going to be much richer when a coalition currency group forms.

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Another major thing was ensuring naval supremacy and fascilitating our shipping of said commodities. This is how we got our Global military. There's a reason we had explosive growth then and it's because it we became a massive exporter to REPLACE Russia. Now what have the retard Globohomo guys done? 'Green' Energy. Can't really export that nor can you MAKE it without energy commodities that we have spent the better part of two decades neglecting outside of a blip of a few years.(2)

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So listening to Saturday's Show this morning the topic of US creating an arms race again and trying to bankrupt Russia like they did in the 80s is very true. Especially since the Russian economy was stiill VERY commodities heavy in the 80s too. But here's what a lot of people forget. We essentially bribed countries around the world to turn their back to them. How you might ask? Well a number of things. The first biggest one was actually SUPPLYING energy commodities to them in the firat place.(1)

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Cyberbullying is a real issue that's mostly overblown.

I was cyberbullied myself and made liberal use of the block button and spent more time offline.

It's not that big of deal.

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My Dad cursed out the headmaster of the school because they tried to give him ADD meds in PRESCHOOL.

if you're not willing to fight for your kids then don't have them!

A poll on the top ranked Shitty English Countries in the West. (Only could put 4 so vote for the fakest, gayest, commiest, and cucked. US not included.)

If China, Iran, and Russia are smart they'll follow the Taliban's blueprint of repopulation. Once the eternal simp is destroyed the world will be able to move on. Hell, China could just do governmenr mandated gfs/marriages and embrace the shitty manga before Japan does. They do that and eliminate WR and Divorce you'd see some marked changes in population pretty soon. Their only problem would be feeding those mouths, but they probably could by just requesting Russia to stop feeding Africa too.

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