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@houseoftolstoy @basedbagel taking women’s rights away is soo extreme and a bridge too far, let’s cause an energy crisis, start a war, blow up a pipeline, destroy the German economy then we’ll get them to move to the US, it’s definitely the most humane.

@mutageno yeah if only the disaster happened in like Chicago or Cleveland than it would be all over the Main Stream, but because it’s a fly over county in a small pop area nobody seems to care.

This is just bizarre how they keep making up reasons to get an experimental shot that doesn’t work as advertised. 🧐

Man after 6 years of marriage finds out that child isnt his. Court rules woman pay 600k yuan

A woman in Holland wears a dress made out of paper currency in 1922.

The money was worthless due to hyperinflation.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel I would argue either experiencing personal trauma and pain, or observing others experience pain. Yeah I would agree that yes women are more agreeable and complacent due to their dependency on the tribe and men, but it also applies to men who lack independence as well. Maybe it’s some kind of evolutionary response to a particular environment, because humans are social animals and need each other to survive, maybe we become more complacent as society becomes more safe.

@basedbagel @UncleIroh I would argue that it takes some sort of conflict with the environment against what they were taught in society. When things just don’t add up that’s when you start to question things. When you overcome your desire for comfort and herd safety for a desire of curiosity and truth, then you start to separate from normies. We were all normies at one point in our lives, Its like a default setting for most people.

RT from Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray)

Klaus Schwab: "Who masters technologies, in some way, will be ze masters of the world."

No thanks, Klaus.

When you see the idea that a lot of current-day society regarding men is basically a ham-fisted attempt to keep the lid on a boiling pot it makes sense.

-Normalize masturbation

Normalize weed consumption as a daily ritual
Destroy healthy eating patterns
Demonize functional health (peacocking fitness marginally accepted)
Enact systems that separate men from their families in order to pursue gainful employment
Normalize moving jobs in order to advance (prevents team/community building that threatens your power)
Normalize pointless sex with strangers
Normalize absentee fathers as the standard (their sons will be raised in the cult by the state and gullible conformist moms)
Convince the world that men only show interest in mentorship and teaching children when they want to rape them (no more replacement father figures for the bastard sons)
Surround boys from birth with a cult of feminine operation. Ensure they’re programmed with female social code and mores so that they behave like women in their group dynamics and socialization (keeps them seeking approval from the consensus)

(did this post without @ him so his mentions don’t get hammered in case this becomes its own thread)

If people could be responsible for themselves, no government would be necessary.

If people require government to be responsible for them, they will be ruled by those made responsible.

You cannot elect a government to be responsible for the people, while the people retain their authority. That is why democracy is a joke, and why it can only be maintained via deceit and illusion.

Responsibility and authority go together. To sever the two is to invite destruction and tyranny in equal measure.

@Tfmonkey on dating:

POV: TFM gives his feminist daughter dating advice after she asks why she can't find a good man.

This happened on Feb 3rd in Ohio and really didn’t become a major story until the past 2-3 days, almost a week after the event.

What would be the motivation of the media to avoid the story and distract us with balloons and UFOs?

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