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Credit Suisse rejecting UBS offer as too low.

They might regret that in a few days.🤔

@RoninGrey Yeah I think it’s climate change, or the SADs, I’ve been seeing that happen lately.

Janet Yellen gets cornered in testimony.

Small banks are going to see a flood of deposits to larger banks because they won’t extend same protection on deposits. 🫣

This is going to force many small banks into a difficult position.


@sardonicsmile that’s weird but really interesting, I remember seeing pictures of people covered in debris after the towers fell, I learned about 9/11 in school I never saw it on TV I was too young, but I remember people saying there was alot of toxic chemicals released, but I never really thought about what happened to all those people in lower Manhattan who were in the debris area. There’s alot of conspiracies around 9/11, it does seem weird to tie it to Covid though.

In all of these articles about maternal deaths spiking since 2021 … none of them even mention the concept that the experiment shots might be a factor.

Why is that ? 🤔

QE is back on the table ... +$300 billion added to the Fed balance sheet.

The Fed tightening is over. The next shoe to drop will be their decision on interest rates next week. Pause or 25 bps?

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @basedbagel @sardonicsmile nah I’m not there yet, I’m working on it though, right now I’m building up savings and researching different states. I don’t know how much time we have but I might be able to make something happen, I just got to find time to learn some of the skills.

The French protesters are not messing around ... Mannequins that look like Emmanuel Macron, Élisabeth Borne, Olivier Véran and Olivier Dussopt are burned.

Remember the history with France and the guillotine? ⚠️


@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @basedbagel @sardonicsmile I think Robin Williams said “the worse feeling ever is not being alone, it’s being surrounded by people that make you feel alone.” I think I might’ve butchered the quote but honestly I’d rather be alone in my homestead, than be surrounded by a bunch of normies that I have to wear a mask around in order to feel acceptance.

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