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"Bank Bailouts Will Devalue The Dollar"
-Peter Schiff

10:03 "The government is creating policies that encourage customers to withdraw their money from insolvent banks and deposit in solvent banks that ate more likely to get bailed out..."

“Observing a process changes the process.” “There is not a guy on planet earth that has ever reasoned a woman into bed.” Women want to play the game and they want you to play the game, but they don’t want to be aware that they’re playing a game. That’s why you can’t really talk about the redpill with women.

I thought this was interesting, this is an audio clip from a book by Thomas Sowell called Conquests and Cultures. He basically outlines how Europe had a geographical advantage over the Western Hemisphere, mostly it was due to trade, navigable waterways, large ships, climate and access to animals such as horses, oxen, sheep and cattle. It reminds me of the book Wealth, Poverty and Politics where Sowell outlines how some nations became wealthy over others.

Total deposits are down 3.5% from its highs or more than $650 billion from the peak.

This is the largest drawdown in deposits in the last 2 decades surpassing the GFC levels.

Ht @SagarSinghSetia

Two years ago, the same bag of frozen wings at Sam's was $16 ... 🚨


@basedbagel I advocate for the technology because it would theoretically give them what they want, and I’m all for creating quick simple solutions. For individuals who just want to live a simple life as the opposite sex, I think they should be able to as long as they’re not hurting people or costing other people money. I agree that we should TWRA, but I’m more interested in how we can break out of the gynocentric cycle through transhumanism.

According to Col. McGregor in most recent reports Ukraine has lost over 200k men, 300-400k are injured and never returning to combat, and Russian integrated air defenses state that Ukraine has lost over 400 Jets, over 200 Helicopters and thousands of Unmanned Drones. Russia has some pretty good air defenses, and pretty good artillery, something they have been improving on since both WWI and WWII.

@basedbagel I mean I’m not saying it’ll solve all our problems, but we should have some kind of gender bender technology for both the sexes that would allow a complete biological and reversible change for those who don’t want to be their birth sex anymore. I was saying it would be a benefit because it’ll allow us to create more women for men, and thus avoid a gender unbalanced society. Yes a lot of LGBT people are mentally ill and unstable but maybe the technology will be a unique opportunity.

@basedbagel maybe in the future if we ever have gender bender technology, we can turn all the gay men into women and help balance the gender ratio to favor men.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.