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@Stahesh dude this is the funniest shit ever😂, I’m dying it looks soo real.

Ben Shapiros sister does have some nice juggs I’m not going to lie😂.

@sardonicsmile @basedbagel I will admit, even to this day it is sad to know as a man that people will only gravitate towards me if I’m of extremely high status and usefulness. And when you’re useful and valuable people will try to ride your coat tails and get a piece of your usefulness to bring themselves up. The worse part is when you’re no longer useful, you’re disregarded like a used paper towel just thrown in the garbage. Humans are just naturally opportunistic, and selfish.

@YoMomz @southpole21 @basedbagel yeah I agree, females don’t have to be useful in society because they’re not expected too. They’re just valued from existing, so when they have power and rights they only do what benefits them, since they’re not the ones that have to build and contribute to a society. Women only care about the present and the down side of that is they’re extremely short sighted and rarely think about long term consequences. While men can anticipate the past, present and future.

I never thought I’d live to see Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro discussing Ben 10, lol it’s intriguing yet hilarious especially the ending.

@Scubbie This is soo fucking hilarious I’m in tears right now 😂.

@mutageno I’d hate to be the caboose at the end of that train.

@mutageno that’s transphobic, how dare you assume I’ll use clown world tactics to protect myself from radical TERFs.

@mutageno I think @Tfmonkey also said that prepping supplies should cost at least 10k, so it’s definitely possible you don’t need to be that wealthy but at least a few years saving a decent amount of income, and also learning skills such as farming, auto repair, first aid/basic medical skills and crafting/ tool creating.

French protestors are escalating their attacks over pension reform. 🔥


Republicans are warmongering against the drug cartels in Mexico, even if you got rid of the current drug cartels new ones would emerge, because people in the US still have a high demand for drugs, the US alone consumes at least 80% of the synthetic opioids in the world. No welfare state and legalized drugs solves this problem.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.